2 | Him

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Yay, another day of school! Said no one ever.

You thought to yourself as you physically forced dragged yourself out of bed. There's no need for being nervous anymore, you had Aphmau and Travis.

You walked downstairs almost falling down them because you were still half asleep but was surprised to see that only Zianna was there.

That made you worry.

You were never the first one up.

"Mom. Am I in a alternate universe? Am I finally an only child? Or do I have a sister?" You asked curiously. But before Zianna could answer Vylad and Zane pushed past you, almost knocking you to the ground.

"I think you answered your own question sweetie" Zianna giggled.

You sighed and continued walking down the stairs and sat in your seat at the table.

Zianna looked over to her kids and thought something was off. "1...2...3-" She started counting them "-We're missing a one- where's Garroth"

"Probably looking at himself in the mirror" Vylad joked.

Garroth then finally came downstairs.

"Speak of the devil-" Zianna giggled "What took you so long? Sleep in?" She asked.

Garroth came and sat across from Zane.

"This hair doesn't get beautiful by its self you know." Garroth flipped his blonde Locks.

Everyone rolled their eyes

"Let's go, we're going to be late" You sighed, talking to Garroth.

"But I didn't even get to eat!"

"Nobody cares!" Zane yelled

- - - -

You parted ways with Garroth and Zane and met up with Aphmau and Travis.

"Today's the first day that we actually have to do work. Great " You sighed.

"Yep here's the time where my grades start to go down." Travis joked.

But two screams that sounded like they came from two girls overpowered Travis's joke.

Suddenly a boy with blue hair ran and hid behind Travis.

"Oh my Irene help me Travis" He pleaded

How dose he know Travis? We've only been to this school for one day.

Now two girls were now standing in front of Travis trying to see the boy behind him. One with dark orange hair and the other bright pink. But they did have one thing in common, they were both pissed.

"What do you want me to do?!" Travis yelled.

"Talk to them! Please!"

"Uhhhhhh....ummm laddies...umm-"

Yeah Travis was getting nowhere with this.

Ring ring ring

"Ummm saved by the bell?- " The blued haired boy poked out again "Uh, see ya" He bolted to class. The took girls shook there heads and left.

You and Aphmau stood there very confused, before a teacher came over and told you to get to class.

Damn it.

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now