Chpater 33~ Leave Daniel Alone!

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"Aphmau is so smart and cute~" Laurance said placing  his hand on his chin

"to be honest Aphmau is pretty cute" I admitted

"She's just so amazing"

I could feel my cheeks heating up. I clenched my fists and rolled my eyes.

"No! She's... Perfect" Laurance sighed.

"Ugh!" I said rolling my eyes again.

"I'm going to the library" I said mad walking off.

"Was it something I said?" Laurance asked confused.

Location Change- library

I can't stand Laurance talking about Aphmau like that! Well yeah I love Aphmau to death she's my best friend,...........but sometimes I couldn't help but be jealous

I sat down on a couch that was near me.

It took me a little while, but I had realised that I had sat next to someone. Someone that was reading a book upside down.

I giggled "Hey, can you read upside down...or something" I joked.

"What?" The person said putting down the book, revealing a red haired Werewolf with different coloured eyes.

He was kinda cute.

"You must be really talented if you can read upside down" I laughed

"Oh, yeahhh" he went on with it.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. I'm Y/N"

"Nice to meet you Y/N! The names blaze."

"It's nice to meet you blaze. Now will you tell me why you were reading a book upside down?" I asked "My teacher said that I could stay up here as long as I was reading" he explained

"What's up with you Little potato. you seem tense" Blaze said

"It's complicated" I sighed

"I have time" blaze said interested

"Do you really want to know?" I asked him. "No" he said honestly shaking his head

I laughed, "I better go now, it was nice meeting you blaze" I said walking off.

I was about to walk out of the library when I herd loud shouting. Curiously, I walked over to the noise.

Ein. The alpha

"YOUR JUST THE OMEGA!" I herd Ein yell. Ein got madder and madder by the minute. I saw Ein about to go for the punch.

Before he could I raced in front of the pup he was bulling.

Soon I felt pain on my right side of my face.

Yes. I took a punch for a stranger.

I looked up at Ein, he was shocked about what he just did but the shock slowly went away.

"Speechless? Got nothing to say Ein?" I asked him but he just looked at me with no expression.

"Well I do! I'm no werewolf but the role of alpha was to be kind, helpful, loyal, generous, put others before yourself,  take care of others. NOT to bully the omega. He's one of your pups as well and should be treated with respect. Leave this little cinnamon bun alone!"

He showed no emotion but I knew he was listening to me.

"Now, go tell Aphmau that you just punched her best friend" I said shooing him away.

Ein and his 'gang' left.

I held my right cheek and turned around to see three werewolf's in shock

"Hi......" I said awkwardly

"Who are you? Are you a werewolf? Why did you do that?" The three werewolf's asked me rapidly and surprised.

"Whoa whoa. Clam down." I tried to clam then down

"Hello my name is Y/N Ro'Meave it's nice to meet you" I introduced myself

"Hi I'm dottie, and these are my two best friends Daniel and Rlyan." The girl with bright blue haired explained

I knew the answer to these questions but I wanted to see there opinion on it

"Did you guys know him?" I asked curiously

"Ein......... The male alpha werewolf. AKA our leader." Rlyan explained

"May I ask why he was picking on you?" I asked

"He picked our friend Daniel here to be the omega. A omega is a weak werewolf that would never be a alpha" dottie explained

"That's horrible. He can't pick on you like that......that's just wrong dose Aphmau know about this" I asked

"No, we don't want to disturb her. She's been so busy lately with alpha" dottie said putting her hand on Daniels shoulder.

"I'm so sorry is there anyway I could help?" I asked

"No no no. You took a freaking punch for me you've done enough and I can't thank you more" the little cinnamon bun said

"Wellll... It was nice meeting you guys but I should go now. Bye"

I turned around to the exit of the library but got distracted by a chocolate haired boy.


I should apologise to Laurance for walking off like that. I told myself

I walked over to Laurance. "Look laurance im sor-"

"Y/N, It's ok, I'm sorry for rambling on about Aphmau. Anyway I saw what you did for those werewolf's" said Laurance

"It was nothing-"

"You took a punch for that dude it was awesome!" Laurance said excitedly

I blushed, "thanks"

Time Skip~

I was walking in the school corridors when I herd a lot of whispering.

I walked over to the drinking fountain and pretend that I was getting a drink, but I was actually eves dropping.

"Rumours have it that Aphmau and him are dating"


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