Chapter 34~ The Secret Admirer

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I spat out the pretend water I 'drinking'

I turned around "WHAT!" I yelled at the girls

"Um- er like didn't you hear that- that Aphmau girl and that Ein boy are like totally going out" the girl with blue hair and a noise piece said

"No, she can't be!" I yelled running off like a maniac.

I stopped at a randomly placed blank wall.

"Wait! Aphmau would never go out with a bully right? Right? I have to go find her!" I said out to myself running off on my search for Aphmau.

I couldn't find her.

Instead I found Travis and Dante

"Oh no" I said out loud to myself. They walked over to me.

"Heyyyyyyyy babe" Dante flirted

"I'm not your babe" I reminded him

"Not yet" Dante said

"Sure you think that. As much as I love to both I have to get to class before I'm late" I explained

"See Dante I knew she loves us!" Travis spoke up

"Ugh" I rolled my eyes and left

"Seriously Travis, real smooth" Dante said to Travis

"Aw come on dude"

Time Skip~

I walked to my locker and opened it to find a letter had fallen out of it. I picked it up and read it

Dear Y/N~

Your luscious hair is H/C

Your eyes are a beautiful shade of E/C

And your heart is as big as the ocean.

I've been wanting to talk to you in person but I'm just to shy to talk to you, so I sent you this instead.

I see you with your friends, I see you helping people in need, I see you with people you don't even like, but yet you help them anyway. That's one of the many things I love about you.

I looked into my locker to see a teddy bear and a box of chocolates

The chocolate represents your sweet side

The teddy bear represents your soft and inner-child

I wish I could tell you how I feel but I'm just a wimp

Love your secret admirer~

I looked up wide eyed

I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pink bag and texted Aphmau

Y = You bla bla bla

A= Aphmau Bla bla bla


I put the stuff in my bag and left.

Time Skip~

It turns out I wasn't watching where I was going because I bumped into the one and only ivy....

"Watch where your going you stupid potato!" She yelled

"I'm sorr-"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it potato! I'm watching you" she said walking away

I rolled my eyes

"Forget about her, she's not worth it. Here let me walk you to class" Riley said walking up to me

"Thanks Riley" I said walking to class with him

Time Skip~ Home

Garroth's PRO

I was walking into the kitchen to get something to eat when the doorbell rang. I walked up to the door and opened it.

It was Aphmau

"Ah A-A-Aphmau... E-er W-w-what a-are you d-d-doing H-here!!?

"Hi Garroth I'm here to see Y/N. Do you know where she is?" Aphmau asked

I fainted

"Okkkkk you know what I'll just go up to her room" Aphmau said walking inside shutting the door behind her


"Y/N! I got your text! It's code pink right?" Aphmau yelled running into my room

"Yes!" I yelled taking it out of my pink bag and handing it to Aphmau

She mumbled and looked a bit sad while she read it.

"Y/N this is amzaing.... But I'm not f-feeling well.... I'm sorry I have to go" Aphmau said freaking out and running away.

I wonder what's wrong with her. I asked myself

Sorry for the bad chapter~

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