Chapter 9~ The Sleepover

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The past few weeks I have been hanging with Laurance a lot, it's been really fun, but most of the time he just flirts with me. but he totally fails. it's really funny

Yesterday Aphmau invited me to her sleepover party for tonight and I absolutely I can't wait! She said that she invited other people year, so Yay new friends!

Time Skip~ Aphmau's House

"Mom.. Can't breathe!" I yelled, lettinf me go

"It's only one night Mom it's not that big of a deal" I explained "I know but I'm going to miss you so much! Please be safe I love you" Mom told me

"love you to Mom, I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun with the boys!" I joked, walking into Aphmau's house.

I put on my Unicorn onesie and walked upstairs towards Aphmau's room

I put on my Unicorn onesie and walked upstairs towards Aphmau's room

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I walked into Aphmau's room

"Hey girls how do I look?" I turned

"Fabulous!" Aphmau yelled

"Thank You, thank you very much " I bowed

"Y/N I have some people I want you to meet, this is Katelyn, Teony and Kawaii~Chan" Aphmau introduced me

"Hi!" I chirped

"Hey" Teony waved

"Hey what up?" Katelyn said

"Kawaii~Chan is so happy to meet you Y/N~Sama" Kawaii~Chan told me


"What are we going to do fir-"  "KARAOKE" I got cut off by Aphmau

"I'm gonna sit this one out" Katelyn said sitting on Aphmau's bed going on her phone.

"Who wants to sing first...Y/N?"Aphmau asked me

"M-me?...ok sure!"

Ok here you go Y/N!

Everybody clapped -

"Y/N! That was amazing!" Aphmau yelled.

"You have a amazing voice! " Toeny told me.

"Thanks I didn't know I was good at singing" I laughed

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