Chapter 17~Pool Party

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It's the day. Aphmau's mom finally let her have a pool party. So she's invited all of her friends around.

All the Ro'meaves got invited. Expect Zane of course.

The real question is if I should feel bad?


I got changed into my Bikini, put my hair into a pony tail and put some extra clothes in my bag. Just in case.

I walked down the hall into Garroth's room. "Hey Garroth, do you have the suncreen?" I asked "AHH! Y/N you can't wear that! There are going to be pervs there!" Garroth yelled

"You mean Travis and Dante. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself Garroth" I crossed my arms.

"ok, but I'm warning you" He said handing me the sunscreen.

I rolled my eyes and walked out, and shut the door. But then opened it back up. "Your just jealous that you don't get to wear a bikini!" I smirked. And closed the door.

"Your right!" Garroth cried/ yelled through the door.

Time Skip~

Vylad knocked on the door. The door opened up to Aphmau."Hey guys! Come on in" Aphmau invited us in.

We walked into the house and out to the backyard.

There was everyone


My heart skipped a beat. He's going to see me in a swim suit, kill me now.

Obviously I walked over to where the girls were siting and greeted

"lookin good girls" Lucinda said

"I know right!" Aphmau yelled

"hey Y/N are you going to get into your swim suit?" Katelyn asked

"Oh yeah, I have it on underneath my clothes" I told them. They nodded there heads and went back to taking about boys.

I undressed comfortly knowing that I had something on underneath so it wasn't weird. When I had finished I heard Travis whistle

You know that weird whistle thingie... don't know what it's called

I looked at Garroth who was giving me the 'I told you so look'

I glared at Travis then noticed that he was blushing? Why would he be blushing? Then I looked to the side of Travis to see Dante trying to cover up his blushing face.

Strange. They don't like me...Do they?

I walked over to Travis and somehow picked him up and threw him into the pool.

"What happened to the innocent Travis I knew back in high school?" I asked looking Down at him

"Y/N were still in high school" Travis said from the pool.

"not you! Look at your hair" I smirked walking away

"HEY THIS IS MY NATURAL HAIR COLOUR" I heard Travis yell from the pool while Dante and Laurance just laughed at him.

I made my way back to the girls

"Y/N? Are you going to go talk to Laurance? He's all alone~" Lucinda sung.

I looked over to Laurance. Lucinda was right. I decided to go walk over there.

"Hey Laurance!" I greeted

"Hey Y/N.... Why are the girls looking at us like that?" Laurance asked "What?" I turned around to see the girls giggling at staring intensely at us.

"GUYS GO AWAY!" I yelled "Sorry about that." I apologised

"It's no problem Y/N. Your a great friend"



I just got friends zoned...

I walked away not finishing our conversation. I can't handle this right now. I should just go hop in the pool.

I was in the pool when I suddenly got lifted up into the air.

I was on Laurance's shoulders.

Crap here comes the blush.

"L-Laurance what are you doing?" I stuttered.

Laurance was about to talk when Katelyn intrupted him by her screaming. She was on Travis shoulders.

Oh hell yeah its on.

Suddenly Aphmau came out of nowhere and became a commentator

"And now a chicken fight between Y/N and Laurance VS Katelyn and Travis-" She started

"We got this" Laurance wispered to me.

"Annnnndddd charge!" Aphmau finished

Laurance and I charged at Travis and Katelyn with no hesitation. Katelyn's strong I'd admit that. But Im stronger. 

I put her in her place I threw her off.

"Laurance and Y/N win!!" Aphmau yelled. 

"YES!" We both yelled,  Cheering on our victory. I jumped off of Laurance got out of the pool.

  I have to tell the girls

Time Skip~

Friend. I didn't think this would hurt as much as it actually dose. Damn I'm so selfish.

"Y/N are you ok?" Katelyn asked

"Yeah is Y/N~Senpai ok?"

I looked up to see that my friends had formed a circle around me.

"i-i got friends zoned" I told them

"Y/N listen here.  Boys are stupid. They don't know what they want until it's gone.  Give him time. He'll want you soon I promise." Lucinda said

"Thanks" I said giving them all a hug

"You guys are the best"

"we know" they said in sync. 

"Hey thats my line!"

Yep it's official I have the best friends In the world❤️👌

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