Chapter 30~ Aphamu the Alpha

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"Y/N?.... Y/N WAKE UP!" Travis yelled in my ear.

I woke up half asleep "Travis? Why are you in my room?" I asked

"Y/N were not in your room were in you home room, you know the one at school" Travis explained.

"Oh...sorry Travis. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, and do you want to know why? Garroth snores really loudly. My room is right next to his and the walls aren't thick enough. I haven't gotten any sleep in about a week. YOU HAVE TO HELP ME TRAVIS!!" I yelled, shaking Travis back and forth, my eye twitching.

"Whoa Y/N, clam down. If it bothers you so much try ear plugs" Travis suggested

"I tried, it doesn't work" I sighed

Time Skip~ Lunch Time

My vision was so blurry. I could hardly see where I was walking. So knowing me I would bump into someone in 3.....2....1.

"HEY! Watch where your going" A wearwolf boy yelled at me. He had a weird blue strip in his hair

"I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going I didn-" I got cut off by him

"Do you know who I am?" He asked

"N-No, should I?" I asked

"I'm the male alpha" He explained

My confidence came back "So, do I look like a Wearwolf to you" I sassed

"Filthy human you should know your place" He said angry.

Before I could beat his ass up Aphmau came up to us.

"Hey Ein! And Y/N? What are you doing?"

'Ein' put on his good boy act

"Oh hey Aphmau, Y/N here fell over and I was helping her get up." He lied

Two can play at that game 'Ein'

"Oh yeah Ein wasn't watching where he was going and completely knocked me over. What a clutzs-" I lied "now enough of that how do you know Ein Aph?" I asked

Aphmau sighed. "I knew I would've have to tell soon enough. So I'll guess I'll spill" Aphmau pulled me aside

Aphmau told me all about what happened last year how she accidently became alpha and now she choose Ein to be the male alpha.

But now I'm worried. Ein not who she thinks he is. I'm keeping a closer look on him. I don't trust him.

Mini Time Skip~ Music

I don't know why, but our teacher doesn't bother to show up to class anymore so Laurance and I decided to make this class our talking class.

"Hey Y/N wanna come over to my house and hang out after school today?" Laurance asked

"sure sounds fun" I smiled at him blushing a slight shade of pink.

Oh my Irene he wants me to come over to his house again......because we know how well that went last time.

And no there's no flashback

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