Chpater 23~Girls Day Out!

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Y/N's POV*

"Y/N..." Aphmau cooed in my ear

"Y/N!" She screamed painfully in my ear

"AHH" I yelled as I fell out of my bed on the cold hard ground

"What was that for! Why are you in my house?" I yelled at her "Your mom let me in! Now get up! we're going on a girls day out with Katelyn,lucinda and Kawaii~Chan" Aphmau explained "Ok? Where to?" I asked her "The mall,duh! Now hurry up Katelyn,Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan are meeting us at the mall in half an hour" Aphmau explained to me walking out of my room.

ok what in the name of Irene just happened? I asked myself getting up off the ground.i walked to my closet and picked out a outfit that I thought was cute.

i walked to my closet and picked out a outfit that I thought was cute

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I plaited my hair and put on some light make up.

Aphmau's PRO

After telling Y/N

I walked downstairs to wait for Y/N and I saw garroth standing in the kitchen "Hi garroth!" I said "AHHH A-A-APHMAU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Garroth yelled blushing "Your mom let me in.Y/N and I are having a girls day with Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and lucinda at the mall. I explained to him "R-Really" garroth stuttered "Yeah,Garroth are you ok?" I asked him "M-Me I'm fine........E-eh I GOTTA GO BYE APHMAU!" he yelled blushing Running upstairs almost falling over in the process

Ok I'm just going to forget that happened.


I looked at myself in the mirror and went downstairs. "hey Aphmau lets go" I told her and we walked out of my door to see outside the girls in a car with Katelyn in the drivers seat and Kawaii~Chan and lucinda in the back. Katelyn tooted the horn.Aphmau and I looked at each other and smiled."Hurry up" Katelyn yelled. Aphmau and I laughed and ran into the car and Katelyn drove off to the mall.

Time Skip~

After a few hours of shopping Aphmau spotted a fortune teller."Hey! Y/N look! a fortune teller, you should get your future read" Aphmau told me "Y/N you totally should" the rest of the girls agreed with Aphmau "I don't know girls" I told them "Awe come on Y/N~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan thinks Y/N~Senpai should totally get her fortune told" Kawaii~Chan told me "Ok,only because I'm a Senpai and I want to make a good role model for. Kawaii~Chan..............And it would be super cool" I told them and we all ran to the stand "Hello Mam! One fortune told for our best friend please" Aphmau told the woman placing her hands on my shoulders "Great! Sit down" the woman told me and I sat down on the chair facing her "Ok First could you please give me your full name but no middle name" She told me "Y/N Ro'Meave" I told her "Yes! very beautiful name. If I'm right you have three brothers" she told me. "Y-Yeah I do.What are there names?" I asked her testing out her skills

"Your eldest brother Garroth Ro'meave. He has blond short hair and blue eyes and is in his second final year of high school. Your second eldest brother Zane Ro'meave has black hair and always has some hair covering his right eye,wears a mask and still has two more year of high school. And Vylad Ro'meave your adopted brother has brown hair and green eyes and is the smartest out of the three boys in your family. He is also in the same year as his older brother Zane" she explained to me.

My eyes went wide opened and I could hear laughs behind me "Wow your good" I told her "I've been told that. Now could you give me your hand" she told me and I have her my hand,she closed her eyes "What do you see? I asked her "I see force,heartbreak, pain love, happiness" she said. And I turned around and gave them a confused smile at the girls and they gave me thumbs up. "Oh my Irene I see pain your in grave danger and so is the people you love" she said and I turned around to face her again "I see snow and wolfs" I see.......I see.....AHH" she yelled as she opened up her eyes "I can't see anything else I'm sorry you know what this session can be for free" she told me "You sure?" I asked her "It's no problem" she told me "ok thanks we should be going now bye" I said getting up and walking away with my friends.

Fortune Tellers PRO

I could have warned her.........I could have told her about the lodge........


"Darn! All the shops are closed" Katelyn said "I think we should all go home girls" lucinda told us "Yeah I had a amazing time with you girls tho we should do it again.Well I should be going my mom is going to freak out if I'm not home soon" I told them "That's fine see you at school" they all said mad then started walking in different directions.I sighed in happiness and walked home thinking of what the fortune teller said


heart break?



I'm sorry if this chapter is short and shit (I tried) I'm really sleepy soooooooo I'm going to sleep night everyone

Stay awesome😘

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