Chapter 40~ Final~ Laurance's Graduation

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I woke up feeling depressed today was the day nearly all of my friends graduate.

I ignored the feeling and got out of bed and put on a cute outfit.

I curled my hair and put on my makeup

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I curled my hair and put on my makeup. I walked out of my room to find my mom and dad standing out side of my room.

"aw sweetie you look beautiful today" my parents said in sync

"thanks.... But what are you doing out the front of my room" I asked

"You have a vister" my dad said moving out of the way to show Laurance

"Laurance!? What are you doing here? shouldn't you be getting ready for today!?" I asked shocked

"I wanted you visit you before it started" Laurance said shyly.

"oh yeah sure come in" I said moving out of the way letting Laurance in my room.

"sorry about the mess I technically only just woke up" I said putting some make up away.

Laurance wasn't talking... I guess I have to start the conversation.

"You scared?" I asked

"terrified" he replied

"Laurance your the most confident person I know. I know you can do this" I said making my bed.

"thanks Y/N that makes me feel a bit better..... Y/N there's something I need to tell you" Laurance said

No It couldn't be.... Could it?

"What is it Laurance?"

"Y/N.... I've been accepted into Falcon Claw university"

"What oh my Irene no way!  This is amazing Laurance!.........Why don't you look so happy?" I asked

"I am but.... I don't want to leave you"

"Laurance your not leaving me, who knows, next year when I graduate I might get accepted to Falcon Claw as well, then we could both be in college together."

(Ok I know that Laurance is 2 or three years older than Y/N but let's just pretend that it's only one year apart)

"That sounds nice. But can you trust me one thing?" Laurence asked

"yeah sure what is it?"

"in the one year we're apart, please visit me or at least call"

" I'll visit you if I don't get kicked out of the college for actually not attending the school" I joked

"I'm glad to hear that"

"I'll promise you that I'll never leave you Laurance. We're best friends and best friends stick together" I said almost crying holding his hand

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