Extra Chapter | Garrance

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Being bored is boring

I was pacing up and down the stairs waiting for someone to throw a adventure at me for the day. But no one did, so i decided to see what my brothers are doing. Let's start with the oldest. I knocked on Garroth's door warning him I was coming in. When I walked in I saw Garroth sitting on his bed writing in a notepad.

"Hey Garroth, what are doing?" I curiously wondered over and sat on Garroth's bed.

"Writing" Garroth nervously closed the notepad. 

He was obviously hiding something

"Hand it over" I demanded

Garroth handed me over the notepad with his head down. I opened it up

It read;

Prince Garroth walked over to the handsome commoner, holding both of his hands, commoner Laurance spoke softly into Prince Garroth's ear "Promise you'll never leave me?" He asked

"We will always be together" Prince Garroth stated kissing Laurance softly on the lips.

And with that they both lived happily ever after.

I'm confused now.

"What's this Garroth? Explain" I demanded.

"Ok, I've liked Laurance for a long time now. I hope your not mad at me for not telling you" Garroth looked down.

I playfully hit Garroth's arm "Why would I be mad. You've just giv'in me something to do today" I smirked walking out of his room and into my own.

I checked my self out in the mirror when my phone buzzed.

It was Laurance.

I slowly answered and put my phone up to my ear.

"Y/N!" Laurance yelled. 

"Hi Laurance glad to hear from you I'm great" I sarcastically said

"Sorry Y/N, but I need your help. I think I'm in love with Garroth" Laurance rushed

"Laurance tell me what happened?" I asked him In a sweet tone

"You don't hate me?" Laurence asked

"You're stupid. Tell me what happened" I playfully said

"Ok...So the other week Garroth and I, herd two girls talking about how it would be funny if the two hottest guys fell for each other. And then I realised what a great guy Garroth was, and all the memories we have had together. And that's when I realised... I had feelings for him" Laurance explained.

"Wow Laurance that's deep. Don't worry I'll help. Leave it to me" I hung up

Time to play cupid.

Step 1 - Steal Garroth's phone

Step 2 - Text Laurance and invite him over

Step 3 - I'll wing it from there

I waited till 6:00

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