Chapter 26~The End of School Concert~Part 2

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I don't know why but I felt like putting in some random stuff that happened during the week. Don't judge!

Laurance's PRO

I was walking around the hall when I came across a poster for the school I didn't know that the principle was taking this so seriously there's posters everywhere.I thought to myself.

"Hey dude! have you heard about the school concert I heard that only the best are allowed to preform" a random boy I don't know came up to me and said. "Really?" I asked him "Yeah all the dudes say their going because rumour has it they think Y/N Ro'Meave is going to sing in  it" he said "Y/N? What about her?" I asked "Well dude, she's hot" he said "Hot?" I asked "Somkin hot. All the dudes are jelly of you dude!" he said "Why?" I asked "Because your always hanging out with her dude! Well bye dude" the boy told me and limped away. I think he's on drugs.

No boy better touch Y/N or I'm going to seriously hurt them!

I decided to let what the  drugo said slide and walked over to where Garroth and a bunch of fangirls were standing talking about the concert

Time Skip~ Lunch


You know me walking in the school halls looking for friends and not being able to find anyone and then all of a sudden someone pops out of nowhere

I saw Aphmau at the other end of the hall talking to Aaron?? I couldn't tell who it was, I started to get closer.

But I got stopped by the one and only tall,blue haired player.

"Hey babe, your looking mighty fine today I must say" he flirted? "Babe? Please don't call me that!" I told him "Awe come on I know you love it!" He said "No, no I don't" I said crossing my arms "Come on, at least give me a chance to make you blush!" He said "What? Make me blush? Ugh! I have no time for this! Another time Dante!" I said not paying attention to what he just said and walked away. I felt something grab my wrist I turned around "Promise?" He asked pulling the puppy dog eyes on me. Making my cheeks go a light shade of pink Only because I hought it was cute. But the blush quickly faded away."Ha! Made you blush I knew I still had it!" He laughed "I'm sorry Dante,  I don't have time for your desperate girl flirting game thing, I have to go talk to Aphmau!" I said walking away from him "It was nice catching up with you.........kinda" I yelled to him.

I started walking quickly to where Aphmau was standing with a boy with dark brown hair and a bandage on his  face. " Hey Aph!" I said and she turned around "Oh hey Y/N! Uh Y/N meet Aaron, Aaron meet Y/N" Aphmau introduced us to each other "Hi Aaron it's nice to meet you" I told him "It's nice to meet you to" he said kinda awkwardly "Aaron I'm so sorry but can I steel Aph for just a sec? I need to tell her something important" I asked him  "Sure" he said awkwardly.

I pulled Aphmau aside "Aph, guess what!" I said "What?" She asked "Laurance and I get to do a duet together for the end of year concert!" I squealed "What??? No way!!!!" She yelled "Yes way and were singing a song about love!" I told her "Oh my Irene you have to tell me the gossip" she punched my arm playfully "later and Ouch that hurt! You have to get back to your Prince Charming" i smirked at her. Aphmaus face went a dark shade of red  "Shut up!" She yelled at me and walked away back to Aaron. I laughed and decided to go to my next class a bit early.

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