4 | The Shadow Knights

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You and Aphmau were walking through the park to hang out at your house after school, when what seemed to be a older boy with black hair had stepped in front of you two blocking your path.

"Do you mind?" Aphmau sassed.

"Y/N Ro'meave and Aphmau Phoenix" He placed his hands on his hips.

"How do you know us? We've never even talked to you" You asked.

"We know everyone sweetie, allow me to introduce myself. The names Gene-" He moved his hands over to two people sitting underneath the tree "- And this is Zenix and Sasha. We're apart of a group called the Shadow Knights. If you join us you too could know everyone" He started to sound like an add.

You've heard of these guys from Garroth. There not nice and like to cause trouble.

"I heard that you just like to cause trouble" You crossed your arms

"Awe, come on sweetie were not that bad. It's called 'having fun' you guys should totally join us." This Gene guy tried to sound nice.

You and Aphmau gave each other the 'Hell no' look.

"Sorry to put you on the spot right now but it that a yes?... Or a no?"

"You guys can't just go around forcing people into your little club" You said standing forward.

You should've kept your big mouth shut. Because the next thing you know Gene threw his fist into your face knocking you out unconscious.

- - - -

You woke up to the muffled sound of Aphmau yelling your name. Your head hurt, but you sat up anyway.

"Oh my Irene Y/N your ok!" She hugged you.

"Yeah, I'm alright. But my head hurts and my vision is a bit blurry." You tried to look around and then finally your vision came in on focus, you found yourself looking at a particular brown haired boy you had meet a few days ago.

"Laurance? What are you doing here?" You asked realising you were now in Aphmau's living room on her couch.

"Laurance is actually the one who saved us from the Shadow Knights" Aphmau chucked looking at Laurance like he was a hero.

Laurance kneeled down to your height "Y/N your eye" Laurance said catching Aphmau's attention.

"Oh my, I didn't even notice it! I'll go get some nice" Aphmau left you with Laurance.

"I have a back eye don't I?" You asked.

"Yeah, it's okay though it should go away in a day" Laurance reassured you.

"So you saved me?" You questioned titling your head to the side.

"Let's just say I know the Shadow Knights, I tell you the story later. Right now we need to get you home before Garroth realizes your gone" Laurance joked trying to lighten the mood.

Aphmau then came back with the ice pack and Laurance and Aphmau helped you walk home.

Aphmau knocked on the door. Praying it would be anyone other than Garroth.

But with your luck of course it would be Garroth.

"Y/N! Where have you been!? Why do you have a black eye!? And why is Laurance with you!?" Garroth yelled at you.

"I-i don't remember" You said feeling hazy feeling yourself about to fall over but luckily Laurance caught you. But you wouldn't know that because you had passed out again. Laurance and Garroth both carried you to the couch.

Garroth turned to Aphmau and Laurance "What happened?"

Well it happened like this:

"Y/N!" Aphmau screamed. But before you fell to the ground Laurance had came out of nowhere and caught you.

"Gene what do you think your doing?" Laurence angrily asked.

"I'm getting new recruits-" Gene rolled his eyes. "-Look Zvhal, if you leave now and forget this ever happened, I might reconsider giving you a second chance to be a Shadow Knight"

"I left for a reason you idiot" Laurance grunted.

"Me an idiot? How dare you" Gene angrily clenched his fists. He was getting ready to punch again.

But Laurance bet him to the punch.

He dropped your unconscious body on the ground carefully and punched Gene in the nose. Gene jumped back and held his now bleeding nose.

"You bastard! Now you've done it!" Gene went to counter attack but when he removed his hand from his nose blood went everywhere and he stumbled back with Sasha and Zenix catching him.

"Once a Shadow Knight, always a shadow knight" Gene scoffed, and walked away with his gang following behind, probably to clean up his bloody nose.

"Come on Aphmau, let's get Y/N cleaned up at your house. If we take her home like this Garroth will kill us"

- - - - 

"I see... So will she be ok?" Garroth questioned standing over your unconscious body.

"She should be fine if you put some more ice on her eye. Trust me, I've been punched worse on the field. Let's just say he didn't like me." Laurance laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Garroth turned to Aphmau who suddenly became -flustard- "Thank you Aphmau, you helped a lot"

"I didn't really do much-" Aphmau rubbed her arm "-Laurance did all of the work, he really saved us back
there" Aphmau admitted shyly.

"Well aren't you some Prince Charming" Garroth punched Laurance's arm playfully.

"Sure whatever"

Soon after, Laurance and Aphmau left and your mom and dad came home from work to properly clean you up.

This wasn't your finest moment but at least you survived it

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