Chapter 32~ Just Talking

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It was finally the weekend I was going to sit in my room and watch Netflix all day. Until I got a text. Just great!


L- Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?

Y- sure, where at? When?

L- let's go to the park (I guess) and just come when your ready.

It's not like I like you reference

Y- Ok cool, see you soon.

Well there goes my Netflix day.......but hanging out with Laurance is always fun. And sometimes interesting. I sighed. I got up and got ready to go.

Time Skip~ Park

I walked to the park and saw Laurance waiting for me. "Hey" I said "Hey Y/N, I don't know why but it feels like I haven't seen you in ages." Laurance told me " you were only not in the story for one chapter and it feels like you haven't seen me in ages?" I said "?" Laurance looked at me weirdly "you know what! Never mind. Hey there's no one here. That means the playground is free!!!" I yelled running over to the swings "hey! Wait for me" I herd Laurence yell

I sat down on the swing and started pushing myself,Laurance caught up to me and did the same. "Hey, Y/N remember how we meet?" Laurance asked me.

Start of Flashback~

"Romeo and Juliet? Nice pick" Laurance said "Thanks i have to read it for English" I told him "Ok,hi I'm Laurence  Zhal nice to meet you beautiful" he smirked "Beautiful?"I looked at him trying so hard not to blush "Hi I'm Y/N Ro'meave" I told him "Hi Y/N I'm actually Garroths best friend I've been to your house a lot " He said like he was trying to impress me "You have?...." I asked him "yeah there was this one time"

Start Of Flash Back In A flash Back~

Laurence's PRO

I was at Garroth's house hanging out in there living room.When a cute girl came downstairs "Hi Y/N" garroth said to the girl "Hi garroth no time to talk" she said to garroth not noticing I was there.Not looking where she was going she bumped into a wall "ow" she said but she started walking again in to the kitchen and grabbing a apple and running back upstairs.

"What just happened? Who is she?" I asked "That's my little sister Y/N.For the last two hours she's been waiting for the  F/S (Favourite Singer) concert tickets to go on sale so she can buy them and go the concert with her friends....she really wants the tickets" garroth explained.

Time Skip~

Garroth and I were talking in his room when we heard a "WOOO !!!WHOO!!!YESS AHHHH!!!" From the room next door "I'm guessing she got the tickets" garroth laughed.

End Of Flash Back In A Flashback~

I totally did not copy and paste......YOU SAW NOTHING!

We both laughed as we shared the beautiful memory

"So Y/N, how was hanging out with Riley?" Laurance smirked "it was good.......until I kissed him" I said kinda angry at myself, stoping my swing. "What!? You actually kissed him?" Laurance said shocked "yeah, I thought I like him.but now he probably hates me" I told him "He's probably stupid if he doesn't like you, you are an amazing girl Y/N and don't let anyone tell you your not" Laurance told me

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