Chapter 13~My First Kiss Went A Little Like This

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Vylad took a deep breath that seemed to calm him down a bit "I said I told Mom that you and Laurance were dating"

"And why would you do that!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm sorry I panicked, Mom saw a photo of you together and she assumed you two were dating, when I told her you weren't she started to cry. I don't like it when mommy cry's so I told her you two were dating, And now she wants to take the family, all our friends and Laurance to Olive Garden today!"

"I don't want mom to be sad" I sighed, pulling out my phone


Y-Hey Laurance😘❤️

L-What did you do?

Y-What I did nothing! Why do you expect I did something wrong.

L-You said hey Laurance😘❤️

Y- Ok, fine you caught me, I really need your help...

L-With what?

Y-Vylad told my Mom that you and I were dating, now she wants to take us all to Olive Garden TODAY!

L-WHAT!? Why didn't Vylad say we're not

Y-My Mom has always wanted me to have a boyfriend and if I tell her I don't have a boyfriend she will be heart broken.

L-Ok I understand, I'm on my way

"This is going to be so embarrassing" I sighed,  throwing my phone to the end of my bed. 

"Don't worry Y/N it won't be like Moms going to make you kiss or anything" Vylad joked. 

"You better be right" I threatened.

Time Skip~

"OK listen up soldiers, this lesson you'll be learning 'How to be the perfect couple' " Vylad paced in front of us.

"Since when did you become a teacher?" Laurance spat.

"Silence my dear students, now back to my lesson. Fool Mom" Vylad said

"First! Holding hands" Vylad smirked

I gave Laurance the 'I'm sorry' look as I held his hand. To be honest it was kinda nice, his hands are really big and soft like a could.

"How's this?" I asked

"Meh could be better" Vylad spat.

"What how!?" Laurance asked

"Hold up I'm getting a phone call its Mom" Vylad said walking out of the room, giving me a good opportunity to apologize to Laurance

"Laurance,  I'm sorry for dragging you into this... You can blame Vylad " I joked

"It's ok, really Y/N. It's not your fault" Laurance cheekily smiled. "Thank god" I laughed, wiping my forehead. Before we could both say anything Vylad came running back in like a manic, even though he already is.

"Hey guys, lesson over Mom wants us at Olive Garden pronto!" Vylad rushed.  

Time Skip~Olive Garden

This was nice, sitting with my family and my friends at Olive Garden having a good time. Of course my Mom got along with the girls trying to be 'Cool', and my Dad making small talk with Laurance. Laurance looked terrified, to be honest it was really funny.

Everything was going fine until my Mom spoke up "Aw, you guys are so cute together. Kiss" My Mom creepily said.

"What!?" Laurance and I both shrieked.

I looked at Vylad hoping he would tell me how to get out of this. Instead of helping me he made things worse by saying  "Kiss the boy"


I looked at Laurance, we had to make it believable. Laurance was the first one to lean in. At this point I was feaking out, but I knew I had to do this. For Mom.

After a couple of seconds of leaning in our innocent lips met each over for the first time. The feeling was amazing, it was a nice soft 3-4 second kiss. After we broke we were blushing hard.

I just had my first kiss, with my crush.

I stared around Olive Garden. Everyone was staring at us. Great. I got distracted by my Aphmau yelling.

"Y/N how could you do this to me! I thought you loved me"

I had no idea what she was saying

"What?" I asked her in confusion

"Zianna, I'm sorry but Y/N has been lying to you. Laurance and her aren't dating," She walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "Y/N and I are!" She yelled. 

I'm so confused...

"Y/N you didn't have to hide it. It's ok if your interested in girls instead of guys really." My Mom said.

"Wait! You and Aphmau are dating!" Garroth yelled at me, I giggled knowing that he has a giant crush on her. 

"Y/N is this true. Why didn't you tell me?" Laurance asked.

I snapped

"THATS IT" I yelled

"Ok Laurance and I are not dating neither Aph and I. I'm sorry we all lied to you, we just want to make you happy" I teared up a bit.

"Oh well then, it looks like this was all a mistake then. Maybe we should all go and forget about this. " My Mom suggested

"Sounds good "

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