Chapter 12~The halloween party!

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I absolutely have no idea of how this happened!

It happened all to fast

Somehow in heck the boys and I convinced mom and dad let us throw Halloween party at our house.

Like what the heck!

Anyway it's thursday today and the party were throwing is tomorrow.

Yeah we have a lot of preparing

People are even talking about it! It comes in good hands when your brother is the most popular guy in school. Im meeting new people that I didn't know existed all the time. But can you believe it! People of the human race are excited about something I'm throwing! I can't wrap my head around it all!

Time Skip~After School

"Zane! your on drinks!"

"Garroth! your on food!"

"Vylad! Your helping your sister set up decorations for the house. You all got that?" I commanded

"Yes sir!"

"Now! Go Go Go!" I yelled, them squirming away like the idiots they are

"Annnnnd done" I said woozy, putting up the last spider on the living room wall

"Hey guys loo-" I started, I looked around to see the Garroth, Zane and Vylad sleeping on the couch together.

I was tired so I joined in.


Time Skip~The party

I'ma sexy cop.

"Is everything set?" I asked

"Yep. People should be arriving real soon!" Vylad said

"Speaking of people. I'll be on door duty" I told my brothers

"Sounds good to me. As long as I don't have to do anything" Zane puffed

"Zane stop, we know your excited. You don't have to hide it" Garroth giggled

"No I'm not. I couldn't care less about this stupid party anyway" Zane crossed his arms.

"Yep says the same boy that was running around 20 minutes ago yelling how excited you were" Vylad giggled

"Shut up!" Zane looked the other way.

Little Time Skip~To When Lots Of People Show Up

I stood at the door, there were only a few people left to come. And one of those is Laurance...

There was a knock at the door. I took a deep breath fixed my hair, Just in case it was Laurance. And opened it up, before I saw who it was I decided to pull a little prank on them by  grabbing there hands and putting them behind there back.

"You are arrested for coming to an illegal  party" I joked

"I didn't know you could arrest other officers? I must be a bad boy" The person said.

I instantly recognised the hot boy's voice

It was Laurance

Crap. That was embarrassing.

"The baddest boy I've ever meet" I laughed,letting him go.

Laurance turned around and damn the boy looked hot.

I'm shook

He turned around and just stared "wow... " He dazed I-I M-Mean h-Hey Y/N" Laurance corrected himself.

"I guess we're twining tonight." I laughed

"I swear I didn't know you were cop!" Laurance put his hands up in defense.

"I'm not a cop, I'm a sexy cop" I corrected him. Laurance chuckled. I moved out of the way  Letting Laurance in.

I pushed my way though all the people and made it to the main dining table. I got up on it getting everyone's attention



I jumped off the table and made my way over to the 'drink stand' I grabbed a cup of water when Laurance approached me.

"Hey Y/N shdhejdhjwbsjs"

"What? 'm sorry I can't hear you Laurance!" I yelled

" I said dbsbgfswjsk!"

I rolled my eyes "Follow me!" I grabbed his wrist. Making our way past the dancing people, we made it to the out side of my room

"Ok Laurance, this is my room so don't go snooping around in it ok?" I told him

"But what if there's a Senpai shrine of me that I want to find" He smirked

"Good luck finding it" I played along, opening my door and walking into it

"So there is! I knew it" He laughed while running after me into my room.

"OH MY IRENE!" I yelled

"What's wrong Y- OH MY IRENE" Laurence repeated me looking what I was looking at while looking at.

Laurance and I looked at each weirdly.There was two people on my bed making out! 

"GET OUT!"  I yelled at them. They looked at me in fear and ran out of the house.

"Oh my Irene" I sighed, siting down on the floor

"Ok...That was the weirdest thing I have ever seen. If I was you I would get a new bed" Laurance told me

"Oh trust me I am"I told him, still a bit mad

"So what did you want to tell me Laurance?" I asked him changing the subject

"Oh yeah. You know how we're in the same music class? Our class has to do a duet with someone and well I heard you sing one time in music and your really good so wanna be my partner?" He asked nervously making me blush

"Oh yeah sure Laurance. But you better be a good singer" I smirked laughed at him.

Next Day~

Relaxing time.

I was siting on my new bed in peace and quiet when Vylad almost broke down my door.

"What the heck Vylad!" I yelled at him.

"Y/N we have a problem" Vylad puffed.

"Woah, Clam down Vylad what's wrong" I asked him, trying to calm down.

"I might've told Mommy that you and Laurance were dating!" Vylad yelled

"You what!?!?!"

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