Chapter 24~Changes

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Make totally different chapter.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock screamed to wake me up."Yay, school....whoo" I said sarcastically out loud.I got up out of bed and decided to change my morning school routine, I walked downstairs to see my mom cooking breakfast for us and my brothers eating at the dining table.

"Y/N! Looking beautiful as ever" Vylad laughed "Thankyou Vylad! Now how are my beautiful brothers going today?" i said walking over to them hugging each one of them tight "Y/N are you ok?" Garroth asked me "I'm great" I told him putting my hands on my hips and smiling "I feel excited today" I said bubbly. My brothers looked at me weirdly "I'm making changes to what I do, new options, I feel great " I told them "Ohhhh" they all said at the same time "sweetie your in a good mood today" my mom told me walking over to me handing me F/B "Yeah I just have a good feeling about today" I told them while sitting down at the table "Sup boys! So what's the gossip?" I ask them "Sup? Gossip? Mom I think she fell down the stairs and hit her head should we take her to the doctor?" Vylad asked our mom "Vylad your lucky that I'm in a good mood and I love you, your lucky that I'm not going to go over there and punch you" I told him. Vylad didn't say anything he just took a bite out of his pancakes. The rest of the morning was quite and normal and we walked to school with no drama.

Vylads PRO

Y/N had gone upstairs to get dressed. "What's going on with Y/N she's acting really weird.......and I mean weirder than usual" I told Zane and garroth "She just wants to change the way She acts around people I don't see any harm in that" garroth said "How about we just leave her be,I'm scared" Zane said "ok......" I said while getting out of my chair and walking up to my room.


As I walked in I saw Travis flirting with Katelyn.........Nothing different there. Because I was feeling nice I decided to step in and help Katelyn."Hey! Katelyn, Travis I haven't seen you two in a while.How you doing?" I asked them "Hi Y/N, I'm good thanks for asking just admiring the beauty's of Katelyn" Travis told me "Ok?? Katelyn! Your still coming to the library with me right?" I asked her "What??" She asked me "Remember yesterday you said you would come to the library with me because I need to find a book about potions" I told her and she caught on "Ohhhh yeah I remember" she said "Let's go now before school starts......Sorry Travis how about we meet up sometime?" I asked her "Sounds good" he said "Ok........Bye" I said walking towards the library with Katelyn walking next to me "Oh my Irene thank you Y/N" she told me "No problem anytime.......Travis is gone you are free" I told her "Ok thank you again Y/N your a life saver" Katelyn thanked me walking away. That felt really good helping someone in need.

Bell rings~

I listened to the horrible bell sound ring and walked to my first class which was potion class. I sat down in my usual seat next to a cute brown haired girl. I turned to my right to face her "Hey! I just realised that I've actually never introduced myself.Hi my name is Y/N Ro'meave, Its nice to meet you" I told her "Hi,My name is Kim" she said quietly."Do you like potion class?" I asked her "No, Im no good at potions, I always mess up" she told me "I could totally help you......if you like me to" I told her "Really? you would be offering to help me?" She asked me "I would love help" I told her. But before she could say anything else the teacher came In Ok students today we are going to make a leaping potion, you will be graded on this and will go on your report so work hard Thanks" she whispered to me and we got to work on our potions

Time Skip~ After making potions

"So Y/N, your garroths sister?" She said blushing"Yeah, sad right" I told her"Do you like him?" I asked her "W-W-What??? No w-why W-would I?" She stuttered "Omg you so do" I said "Ok.......maybe I do" Kim told me "I am so going to introduce you to him one time" I said. Kim didn't say anything just blushed harder"Ok Kim let's look at your potion" the teacher said walking over to where we were sitting scaning her potion Se had made "That's impressive Kim,A" the teacher told her and walked over to me and started looking at mine "Awesome job Y/N, A+" the teacher said walking away and Kim and I high 5ed each other. "So Kim met any cute boys this year?" I teased "Y/N!!!" She yelled "Ok I'm sorry i was teasing" I told her.

Bell rings~

"Bye Y/N maybe I will see you again sometime" Kim told me walking out of the classroom.i sighed in happiness and looked around the room and realised that there was no one there expect the teacher. "Ahh!" The teacher yelled as she dropped a potion bottle."Hi miss would you like any help cleaning up?" I asked her "Y/N if you could help me put these bottles back that would be lovely, " she said "Sure I said while collecting every bottle on every body's desk.

After I finished helping the teacher clean up the bell rang and nothing interesting happened for the rest of the day.

Time Skip~ Home

"Hello kids! How was school?" My dad asked us "Hi dad, school was great now I got to go upstairs and do next weeks homework" I said running upstairs "What was that about?" Dad asked my brother and they all just shrugged

Time Skip~

After I did my home work it was late and I decided to go to bed

Pain? Heartbreak? Love? Danger? Are these going to be different events in my life? What do they all mean? Why am I asking myself so many question?

So many questions I don't have a answer to.

Hey guys I'm not quite sure what I should do with Kim so if she doesn't show up in any other chapter then she won't be seen again.........I'm still thinking about it.

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now