Chapter 28~ Back To School...Yay

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"Y/N! Wake up!" A high pitched scream woke me up.

Jolting up I saw my mom. "Garroth! You turned into mom!" I joked

My mom giggled "Very funny Y/N. Now get up you've got school!" She giggled again running out of my room.

School, Yay! Said no one ever!

Today I am going to be helping out Teony, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn with a mentoring program for the freshmans. Teony told me I have a bubbly personality and I'm good to talking to shy people. That's why she chose me for this

I just hope that there are some cute freshman boys.

Time Skip~

So I made it to school alive. That's good... I guess. Anyway as I walked in I saw a tall male standing next to the fountain.


Without hesitation I ran up to him jumping into his arms and hugged him. The people around us would probably of thought we were dating.

"Y/N!" Laurance yelled

"Laurance!" I yelled back

Laurance broke the hug and placed me down gently. "I missed you" Laurance said softly.Gosh such a cutie.

"I missed you to. We have so much to catch up on"

Garroth walked up to us "Clam down love birds, it was only two weeks"

"A lot can happen in two weeks" Laurance said. I nodded in agreement.

I turned my attention back to Laurance "I'm sorry I have to go, I'm doing the mentoring program. And if I'm late, god help us both, see ya" I rushed off to find the girls. 

I ran into the school where I found Teony had set up her mentoring stand.

"Y/N you're late"

"Only by 5 minutes"

"Ugh, whatever we don't have time for this." Teony said handing me a bright gold sash. I slid the sash over my wrist and tied it up so it looked cute. 


I turned around to see who called out my name.  It was Aphmau!Before I could run up to her, Teony yelled at me to get to work. I sighed and she gave me a pouty look and I gave her one back.

I ran outside of the school to find my first victim...I mean man or woman in distress. Yeah totally what I meant.

Finally I found a boy with light blue ocean hair, kinda like Katelyn's.

"Hello there, I'm Y/N your mentor. If your lost or need help with anything just ask me" I said placing my hands on my hips, closing my eyes. I opened my eyes to see he was blushing at something or someone behind me.

He was blushing at Aphmau...of course. Almost every boy I know has a crush on her, I mean like she's pretty and all but she's not that pretty.

"You know Aphmau?" I asked

"Y-yeah" He stuttered.

"You like her don't you?"

"Yeah..." He admitted looking down.

I looked over at Aphmau to see she was struggling to find people.

"HEY APHMAU!" I yelled at her to get her attention, while the blue haired boy blushed even more

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