Chapter 19~Prom

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Y/N's POV~

"Please?" asked Garroth



"ugh fine!"

"Thank you. Ok, which suit, the bule or the black?" Garroth asked

I gave Garroth a weird look.

"What? I wanna match Katelyn and I can't remember if her dress was black or blue"

"Well thats your fault" and with that I walked out of the shop and walked to school. And yes Garroth was only just getting his suit the morning of the prom.

What an idiot.

Time Skip~After School

6:30 = time to get ready for prom. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my dress then walked to my mirror.

Why am I so ugly?

I put on my dress and brushed my hair.

Still ugly.

I put on some light makeup

Still very ugly. I feel sorry for people who have to look at me

Damn get a grip Y/N, I scrunched my nose while making my way to Vylad's room. He promised to get me out of the house without Mom and Dad knowing. 

Yes I didn't tell my mom I was going. Only because if I did she would expect I would be going with someone then hound me. 

I knocked on Vylad's door. "Vylad?"

"come in" I opened the door to see Vylad standing in front of the window.

"Y/N you look so pretty" Vylad awed

"Don't lie to me Vylad" I said angry


"Nothing. Ok how am I getting out?" I asked crossing my arms

"The window. There are vines that go down to the patio" Vylad explained

I nodded and climbed out the windows and down the vines, and made my way to the prom. 

Time Skip~ School

I walked into the school and got greeted by a teacher.

"Can I take your jacket miss?" the teacher asked me

"I'm not wearing a jacket" I stated


Well this is awkward

Anyway, I made my way into the hall.

I squinted my eyes at the sight, the bright disco ball hanging on the ceiling, the Loud music from the DJ and people dancing really bad and stuffing there faces with chocolate brownies and cupcakes

It was amazing...

I decided to go over to the food table when the DJ started to talk

"Hey everyone grab that special someone and get ready for our slow dance"

I rolled my eyes and stuffed a cupcake in my mouth.

"Miss Ro'meave? Shouldn't you be dancing?" Miss honey (I'm sorry Im watching the bee movie) asked me

"Nah. I came alone"

"oh im sorry to hear that Y/N- HEY YOU TO STOP KISSING!" she ran off.

Damn Im so ugly I cant even get a teacher to stay with me.

"Y/N?" Someone caught my attention.

It was Dante

"Y/N? Is that you?" Asked Dante

"Hey dante" I said looking down

"Hey, um, y-you look very pretty. where's your date?" Dante asked me

"I came alone" I bluntly said.

"So who and where's your date Dante, bet she's pretty" I also said

"Wait you came alone?"

"Yep. So wheres your date" I repeated

"Um she left early, she said she had a 'Family thing' it was Bethany." Dante explained

"oh I'm sorry" I apologized

Dante shook his head "Hey Y/N, do you want to be my date?"

"What?" I laughed

"Be my date to prom" he said holding out his hand for me to take it.

"Oh I see what your doing. Sure dante I would love to be your date" I accepted his offer and took his hand. 

That night we danced a lot, drank too much punch and took enough photos to make us go broke.

Dante walked me home. And now we're speaking out the front of Vylads secret window vines

"Dante your so funny " I laughed

"Hehe thanks" Dante blushed

"Dante your a really great guy you know that?  Underneath all that flirting  you really have a good heart." I punched him in the arm playfully

"Well Y/N you're-" I cut him off and kissed him. Surprisingly he kissed back. The kiss grew deeper as he put his hands around my waist and I put my hands around his neck. We broke the kiss.

"Thanks for the fun night Dante" I smiled climbing the vines leaving him back him behind

Gezz I should've just made this a Dante x Reader

I walked into Vylad's room, he was sitting on his bed reading a book. "I saw you" he spoke up

"Saw me what?" I asked

"You kissed Dante."


"Do you like Dante?"


"then why did you kiss him"

"I don't know!"

"Ugh Y/N you can't just go around kissing boys that you don't like." Vylad explained.

"Danm Vylad why do you have to be so overprotective of me! I can do what I want. I'm not a little kid anymore!" I yelled leaving Vylad's room and into my own

I just wanted sleep right now. 

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now