Chapter 26~The End Of School Concert~Part 1

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I was walking around the school thinking about random things like are unicorns made out of corn??

Probably not


I was walking around the school like I was lost or something and I came across a bunch of girls screaming at something.........or someone. I walked into the crowd of girls and jumped to see what they were screaming over.

It turns out they were screaming over Laurance. I pushed all the crazy fangirls out of my way so I was standing next to Laurance "Y/N? I knew you were a fangirl" Laurance laughed "I was going to help you get out of this but now I might just leave you here" I told him a bit Annoyed "No Y/N! I'm sorry, please help me" Laurance whined

"Get out of here losers, don't you have something better to do then look at a boy!??" I yelled. Everybody looked at me in fear and ran away. "Pleasure doing business with you Laurance" I said shaking his hand"Thanks Y/N I owe you one" he said "Oh yeah you do I'm late to class the bell just rang" I said worried and running to my class.

Time Skip~The Weekend

"Mom I'm heading out, I'll be back before dinner" I yelled to my mom who was in the kitchen and I was so close to walking out the door till I got stopped by the one and only overprotective older brother Garroth.

"Where are you going?" Garroth asked me "To laurance's?" I asked kinda scared to hear the answer "WHAT??" Garroth yelled "Garroth, don't be so over protective I have to Remember? It's for the school concert, now I'm going to go before Garroth Goes crazy sooo.....bye" I said running out of my house. All I could hear was Garroth yell "Y/N!!"

I walked a few blocks to find a big red brick house on the mail box it said "The Zhal house" so I'm guessing I'm at the right place. I lightly knocked on the door to open up to a light haired women which I think must be laurance's mom.

Im sorry I don't know laurance's mom and dads name......

"Hello misses Zhal, is laurance here?" I asked her "SWEETIE??!!!! ITS HAPPENING, A CUTE GIRL IS HERE TO SEE LAURANCE!!!" She yelled to her husband I'm guessing???? "Uh??" I said very confused "I'm sorry darling. So what's your name?" She asked me In a sweet tone "Y/N" I told her "Ah, yes, I've herd a lot about you.laurance has told me some pretty cool stuff about you" she told me "really?" I asked her "All the time" she said to me "Is laurance here?" I asked again "Ah yes, LAURANCE Y/N IS HERE!" She yelled and laurance came down the stairs and pushed his mother away. "Hi Y/N, come in" he said standing aside and letting me in.

When I walked in there was a tall male and a short female with red and orange hair"Y/N this is my family! This is my mom "Nice to meet you again sweetie" misses Zhal said"it's nice to meet you to!" I told her "This is my dad!" Laurance pointed "Hello it's nice to meet you finally. Your garroths sister? am I right?" He asked me "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you as well" I told him "And last but not least is my sister, cadenza" laurance said "Hello Y/N it's nice to meet you acquaintance" cadenza said. "It's nice to meet you all" I said

Let's go upstairs so we can practice" he said "Sure" I told him.Half way up the stairs laurance's mom spoke up "Hey laurance?" She said "Yeah?" He answered "Keep the door opened😏" misses Zhal smirked "MOM!!!!" He yelled. I just laughed and kept walking upstairs "Ok Y/N this is my room" he said walking into his green painted room "Welcome to the laurance cave" he said sitting on his bed while I sat on his spiny office chair

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