Chapter 25~News

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This Chapter has been edited


It's been two whole weeks since I've seen any of my friends.

Do they not like me anymore?
I haven't done anything wrong have I?

My thoughts were cut off from me falling to ground,droping all of my books.

"Oh my Irene I'm so sorry. Here I'll help you" The person said

I feel Like I've herd that voice before...

I looked up to see Garroth.





"Ok what are we doing?" Garroth asked me

"I don't know, so are you going to help me or not?" I asked refuring to help me with the books he just made me drop.

"What are you doing on this side of the school?" I asked curiously.

"I had to get a book from the library" He explained.

"Sucks" I said feeling his pain.

Then I herd a bunch of hissing coming from behind Garroth. I peeked to the side of Garroth to find a whole bunch of bunch of fangirls following him, they all gave me dirty looks and starting hissing at me again.

"Laddies clam down she's my baby sister" Garroth told them in a calming  voice. "You know what I'm just going to leave" I said walking away before it got even more awkward then it already was.

Time Skip~ middle of class

"Attention students, would Y/N Ro'Meave and Laurance Zhal please come to the principles office right away" the speaker told everyone.

Everybody in my class ooooed like I was in trouble. I ignored my stupid classmates and looked at my teacher to say "can I pack up my things and go?" He just nodded his head. I packed up my stuff and started walking to the principals office.

Am I in trouble?

Laurance's PRO

"Would Y/N Ro'Meave and Laurance Zhal please come to the principles office right away" the speaker told everyone. All my fangirls awed because they didn't want me to go.

Am I in trouble? I asked my self. Nah! I laughed in my head.

I looked at the teacher "Can I go?" I asked her "Yes but go straight to the principles office" The teacher told me. I packed up my stuff and and left the classroom.on my way there I couldn't help but think that I haven't seen Y/N in a while this might be a bit awkward for the both of us.


On the way there I saw Laurance about to go into the principles office"Hey Laurence wait up" I yelled and he turned around "oh hey Y/N" he said "Ok, I know we haven't seen or talked to each other in like two weeks and I really don't want this to be awkward between us. So how about we hug it out and everything goes back to the Way it was with us being friends." I told him. Laurance gave me a cute smile and hugged me tight after a little I hugged back and then we both let go "Let's go in" Laurence said "Yep, I just hope we're not in trouble" I told him "I doubt it your a goodie two shoes" Laurence laughed walking into the principles office "HEY!" I yelled following him inside to see the principle siting at his desk.

Laurence sat down in one of the chairs and I sat in the other  "Y/N and Laurance I'm glad you could make it" the principal told us "Do you to know each other?" The principle asked "No, no we don't" Laurence joked "Well, Laurence meet Y/N" the principle introduced us to each other "Hello Laurence nice to meet you" I joked "Nice to meet you to Y/N" Laurence said shaking my hand "You to are going to be spending a lot of time together" the principle told us "Really? Why?" Laurance asked.

"Good question laurance. The music staff and I have been talking and we have decided to have a end of school year concert. There's going to be dancing magic tricks and singing which is only you two and all sorts of all performances. I got the music teacher to choose the best female and male singer in the school and they choose you two to sing in it" the principle explained.

Laurance and I smiled at each other "Thats very flatterin-" I started "we would love to" Laurence finished my sentence for me "That's great. Y/N we want you to do a solo and we want Laurance to solo then we want both of you to do a duet" the principle explained "Great we can Hang out and  practice this weekend my place?" Laurance asked me "Sounds good" I told him "you guys are going to become good friends I can feel it" the principle said. "Same" laurance said smirking at me.

Bell Rings~

"You two should go to your next class" the principle said. We both nodded and left the principles office."I'll see you this weekend? My house? Sound good?" He asked me "Sounds good, I see you then" I said and walked away trying so hard not to fangirl because IM GOING TO LAURANCE'S HOUSE AND I GET TO DO A DUET IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL.


Time Skip~ Home

We were all having dinner and it was really quite and awkward till Vylad spoke up "Hey Y/N,you never told why you got sent to the principles office"

"WHAT??? YOU GOT SENT TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE ARE WE GOING TO GROUND YOU?" My mom and dad both yelled at me "WHOA WHOA WHOA clam down, I was going to surprise you all tomorrow but ok.......I got sent to the principles office with laurance because the principle said that laurance and I were the best singers in the school and he asked us to perform in the end of year school concert, I'm going to have a solo.........and so is laurance but then we have to do a duet but I'm ok with tha-" I got cut off by my mom and dad running up to me and hugging me really tight. They broke the hug "Oh my Irene were so proud of you darling, we're going to ring the principle and ask for details you guys should go to bed ill see you all in the morning, love you all" she said blowing us a kiss.

I smiled and looked at the boys that were looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked them "What did you do?" Vylad asked "what do you mean?" I asked him "What did you do to get in trouble?" He asked again "I did nothing that's what really happened.......I'm ashamed that you think I would lie just to get out of trouble" I said offended "You've done it before" Zane mumbled "If you don't believe me then ring laurance and ask him what happened remember he got sent to.........Goodnight I love you all" I stormed up the stairs into my room and went to sleep

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