Chapter 35~ Meeting My Secret Admirer!

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For the last two weeks I've been receiving chocolates, Jewellery, teddy bears  and a lot of cute, corny love poems and letters

Aphmau has been acting strange, like she's sad.......almost depressed

Laurance is still as cute as ever and can't talk to Aphmau he's to scared so I'm ''trying'' to help him with that.

Riley and I are still friends, I see him in the corridors flirting with Travis. It's really cute.

Daniel, Rlyan and dottie keep on trying to overfeed (kill) me at lunch. There trying to make it up to me even tho I said it was ok

Ein hasn't talked to me or Daniel since what happened in the library. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out

Garroth keeps on breaking down doors

Zane keeps being a little nugget

Vylad always try's to beat me at soccer, but fails

Kawaii~chan keeps on running up to me randomly and takes a selfie with me

I haven't seen Katelyn for a while I always see her with her boyfriend


Dante and Travis keep on flirting with me.

So now your up to date with everyone

Time Skip~


"Sooo Aphmau how's Alpha going for you?" I smirked

"It's hard work" Aphmau table faced

"Why dose Aphmau~senpai look sad??" Kawaii~chan asked leaning over her desk that was behind us

"Don't worry Kawaii~chan Im not sad......I'm just tired, I haven't gotten much sleep lately" Aphmau told Kawaii~chan

"Oh" Kawaii~chan said paying her attention back to her own business.

"Annyyy wayyyy~ what about that male alpha werewolf  boy? He's cute. And evil...." I muttered under my breath "We're just friends, besides I like someone else" Aphmau sighed

"Oh my Irene! Is it Aaron?" I squelched

"'s this boy named........Kai. He's a meif~ia

"Oooooooo~ a meif~ia sounds cute~  be honest gurl. Is he like super cute" I joked

"Yeahhhhh" Aphmau blushed

"But he likes someone else" Aphmau sighed

"I'm sorry Aph......I'm sure you'll find the right person one day" I told her

"Thanks Y/N..... You always know what to say" Aphmau said with a smile on her face

"I'm just doing what I can!" I said confidently

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