Chapter 37~ I love you....

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"Ok Vylad....Who is Donald trump?"

"An idiot"


"What year did captain Cook discover Australia?" Vylad asked me reading a mint palm card that I had just made

"1834" I said

"Y/N...... Not even close," Vylad laughed "come on Y/N your like the smartest girl I know! What's up with you?"

"I don't know Vylad, I just been getting distracted lately..." I said

"By Laurance?" Vylad smirked making me blush.

"WHAT!! WHO TOLD YOU??" I yelled

"Garroth" Vylad said

I. Was. Furious

"That tradior" I said mad

I jumped off my bed ran to garroth's room

"Oh no" Vylad said following me

I broke down his door

"Garroth your dead!" I yelled at him

I grabbed him from his bed and tackled in to the ground so I was on top of him. Garroth definitely looked scared and he should've been i Was going to kill him!

"Why did you tell Vylad!? Who else have you told?!" I asked/ yelled

"I've only told Vylad and Zane" Garroth said scared

"You told ZANE! You know what he'll do to me?" I said

Vylad was trying to get me off Garroth but I pushed Vylad off of me and got up myself I held out my hand to help Garroth up. He got up.

"I'm an idiot to think that I could trust you" I said walking away and up to Vylad and helping him up "sorry Vylad I'll get you an ice pack" I said to Vylad.

Garroth stood there in shook of what had just happened to him he didn't know what to feel, say or do.

I walked downstairs and grabbed Vylad a ice pack and gave it to him.


Fun fact about me when I'm angry or stressed I bake!

mostly cookies, apple crumble and sometimes chocolate pudding when I need a long recipe to make

Not cooled off yet I was baking love heart chocolate chip cookies.

A unlock of the door was heard it was mom. And she saw me decorating the cookies

"Oh no Y/N sweetie what happened?" My mom asked walking up to me.

"Ask Garroth he knows....Garroth knows all" I joked sarcastic still mad.

"Y/N sweetie what happened between you and your brother?" Mom asked me

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now