3 | The day Travis learnt how to Flirt

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Garroth never told you he had such a hot friend. Wait I don't think he would tell you that. That would probably be a bit weird.

Anyway, you were on your way to school when you got a text from Aphmau.

Aphmeow- Sorry I'm not coming to school today. I'm. So. Sick.

Y/N- It's alright, rest up, Travis and I will come over after school and give you junk food that's not going to help get better but we're going to do it anyway.

Aphmeow- I'm not complaining.

You laughed and put your phone away. Your going to be at school without Aphmau today, maybe this is a good chance to bond with Travis or even make some new friends.

- - - -

"Okay Travis, i'm going to teach you how I'm so good with the laddies. By flirting" Dante told Travis. "We need a guinea pig-" He looked around and settled on a target...You.

"Do I really have to do this?" Travis whined.

"Really Travis your afraid of a pretty girl? And yes" Dante pushed Travis sending him face first into your back.

You turned around to see that Travis was the one who bumped into you.

"Oh god Y/N" Travis said mortified.

"Travis! I was looking for you. Aphmau texted me saying she's sick today so I was wondering if you wanted to go to her place after sch-"

You got cut off by the blue haired boy walking up behind Travis.

"Travis who is this. And how do you know him?"

"Oh um, Y/N this is Dante. Dante this is Y/N" Travis introduced us

"Travis! She's your friend? You never told me that! Travis it defeats the purpose if you know the girl!" Dante lectured.

Dante pushed around Travis and he was now in front of you. "Hey there, the names Dante. Hey can we use you for a sec?" He asked

"Um sure. What for?" You asked feeling uncomfortable

"Flirting practice...-" He said awkwardly "Not for me, for Travis"

"Go... ahead" You said unsure.

Dante grabbed Travis by the shoulders and placed him in front of him, while Travis gave you a very frightened look.

"Ok Travis, the first thing you gotta do is shoot the girl a compliment."

"Shoot?" Travis said disgusted.

"It's just a saying Travis, here I'll show you-" He stood next to Travis so you were in his vision "- Y/N, I'm diggin' your hair today "

"Um, thanks?" You said unsure on how to feel.

"Okay Travis your turn"

"Ok alright" He tried to pamper himself up.

"Hey Y/N I really like your-" He looked your body up and down nervously trying to think of something good. "- knee caps?"

You raised your eyebrow at his comment. No one has ever complimented your knee caps before.

Dante looked at Travis wide-eyed "Change it!" He yelled whispered.

"Umm.... butt? Oh no, I mean...ahh no" He buried his hands in his face in embarrassment.

"Poor innocent Travis, don't ever say that to that to any girl unless you want to end up in a coma" You rolled your eyes.

Ring ring ring

"See ya guys. And remember Travis, don't do it, think of the coma!" You yelled walking away from them to your class.

But before you could even walk into the door you found yourself pinned up against a locker. Your eyes widened as a girl with pink hair stared angerily into your frightened eyes

"Umm. Hi?" You greeted frightened

"Oh don't you play dumb with me bimbo, I saw you this morning with him! I'm warning you stay away. He's mine!" She pushed you harder into the locker still holding your shoulders.

Ow, why was this girl coming at you for no reason. You don't even know her. And this morning? The only person you were with this morning was- ohhh now you got it. This girl is an uncultured swine.

"Do you mean Garroth?"

"Yes! I know what your doing. Your just trying to get in his pants" She screamed at you.

Oh my god ew. This has to stop.

You pushed her hands off from your shoulders and held your temple. "Do you even know him?"

"I know his name is Gaoth" She butchered his name.

"You mean Garroth?"

"Yeah. That's what I said" She flipped her hair and crossed her arms.

"Everyone knows that. Anything else?"

She stood back and looked to the side. You really stumped her on this one.

You sighed "If you knew anything you would know that I'm his little sister. The names Y/N Ro'meave. Nice to meet ya, but I got to get class. I'm late enough already" You said sassy and walked off.

- - - -

You, Garroth and Zane were walking home when a girl from behind you called out your name.


You recognized that voice and god was it annoying.

You and the others turned around.

"What?" You said unenthused

"Hey, i'm sorry I lashed out at you. I should've known" She gave you a fake apologetic face.

"I accept your apology" You didn't change your tone in voice.

"Oh my Irene. Thank Irene. I was really worried there for a sec. So you wanna hang out at my house-" She leaned down to you and whispered. "- it's very big and expensive."

"Yeah, no-" You pushed her away. "- I'm not in the mood to hang out with someone who's just trying to get in my brothers pants" You sassed while Garroth looked very confused.

You sighed "I wanna go home" So you turned around and walked towards your home. Leaving everyone in shook.

Zane and Garroth caught up to you. "I knew my baby sister could stand up for herself" He put his arm around your shoulder and squeezed you like a proud father.

Father Garroth. Let's make it a thing.

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