Chapter 31~ Hanging Out With Riley

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1 month Later~

I was standing in the middle of the school halls on my phone looking at my time table because I had forgotten what I had.


"Hey beautiful, you free this Friday? I can show you a good time you know"
a boy from behind me said was hitting on me? "What!?" I said Turning around seeing


My brother just hit on me

Garroths friends. (That I don't know) started laughing hysterically. I just looked at my brother in shock. Garroths eyes were wide opened.

I don't know why but I'm shaking someone get help!!!

Garroths PRO

"Garroth can't seem to get himself a girlfriend" one of my fiends laughed "What!? Of course I can get myself a girlfriend! See watch this!" I told them walking over to a girl with H/C and was looking at her phone "Hey beautiful, you free this Friday? I can show you a good time you know" I told her.

She turned around and it turned out it was


Omi I just hit on my sister!

She looked at me wide eyed and so did I.

I can't believe I did that! I could hear lots of laughter behind me.

"Did you just do that?" She asked me trying not to laugh

"I just did that" I said surprised.

"Please NEVER do that again" she told me "NEVER" I yelled. Y/N left i just kept looked into space.

I turned around to see my friends still laughing at me "Dude I can't believe you just did that!" One of my friends told me

"You just hit on your sister"

"That's amazing"

it is going to be so weird talking to her now.


That was so weird.

Damm I must be hot to get my own brother to hit on me.

Time Skip~ Next Day

So Riley and I have been hanging out together lately and.......heheheh he's so cute

Ok I'm getting off track

I feel like we've become really good friends. And that's why he's coming over to my house after school to hang out 😏

Garroth,Vylad and sorta Zane are always annoying me when I invite someone over to our house and it bugs me soo much.

I broke down Garroths door "HEY! MY DOOR" Garroth yelled but I ignored his comment "I have a friend coming over after school. So can you like not be here"

"Hey this is my house to" garroth said. I folded my arms "I can try" he said "good"

I did the same for Zane and Vylad

I herd the door bell ring "I'll get it,OH MY IRENE ITS A BOY!" My mom yelled, I  slid down the stair railing "mom, the boy has a name, hey Riley what's up?" I asked him "he-" he got cut off by my mom "AHHH SO CUTE~ hey do you want to marry my daughter" my mom smirked. "MOM! Come here please. Riley please excuse me" I said pushing my mom to the kitchen where my dad was "dad! You should take mom to a really fancy restaurant way out of town" I said pushing my mom into my dad "what?" He asked me. I pointed at Riley "ohhhh~ Honey, how about we go out for coffe?" My dad asked "sounds lovely" and like that poof they were gone.

I walked over to Riley "Hey Riley come on in, sorry for my crazy mom she's crazy about boys" I said moving out of the way so he could come in "that's fine" he said. I walked up to my room and he followed me. "So beware this is the Y/N cave. Y/N's Natural habitat" I laughed. And so did he. I opened my room and we both walked inside "nice room" he said "thank you" I said sitting on my bed while Riley sat on my desk spiny chair.

My room wasn't painted pink and had a bunch of stuffed toys everywhere. I was plain, cute and cozy.

"Is this to weird for you? We could go somewhere else if you want?" I asked him "ah no, this is good." He said

Time Skip Brought To You By  Y/N And Riley's Gossiping 

I stood next to Riley and looked into his eyes "errrr......Hi Y/N" he said nervously.

I've liked Riley for a long time. It's true.

I feel happy when his around

I just wanted to kiss him

I got close to him and Kissed him completely forgetting about Laurance, but he immediately pulled away "What are you doing?" He asked me confused "Oh my Irene! I am so sorry I don't know why I did that. I shouldn't of done that! I'm sorry!" I pleaded "I think I'm gonna go now" he told me. "Yeah,T-that might be best" I looked down and he left my house.

"Stupid,stupid,stupid!" I yelled out loud

I jumped onto my bed and started crying into my pillow.

Why did I do that?

I liked him. I really did

I went to fast with our relationship.

He hates me now.

But it felt kinda good kissing him.

"Y/N?" Someone asked me walking into my room "Go away!" I muffled into my pillow. I felt the persons weight sit on my bed. "Who is it? Mom? Dad? Garroth? Vylad?- "Zane" Zane finished my sentence. I got up and looked at Zane "You saw everything, didn't you?" I asked him "yeah" he said scratching the back of his neck "Lucky you, you got to see your sister mess up her possibly only love life" i said. "You really liked him, didn't you?" He asked me concerned "I don't know, mabey I only liked the idea of him" I told him "mabey I only wanted the idea of a boyfriend and picked out a random. Guy that has no interest in me. You know I feel better now" I said hugging him

"thanks Zane who knew you had a heart" I laughed "ugh, I only came here to see if you had a pencil I could borrow" Zane rolled his eyes. "There's one on the desk" I laughed. Zane coughed, walked over to the desk and walked out.

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now