Chapter 27~ last Day of School

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Cue epic getting ready montage!!!

I ran down the stairs and caught a apple my mom had just thrown to me. "That's a record Y/N!" Vylad said stoping the timer. I took a bite out of my apple and  high fived Vylad, my brothers and I walked to school.

Time Skip~School

I was walking into school when suddenly I couldn't see,something or someone was covering my eyes "Hey!" I yelled "Guess who it is!" Laurance said obviously failing to do a impression of someone "Hi Laurance" I said. Laurance took his hands off my eyes "How did you know it was me!" Laurance yelled "Let's just say you should go to a impression class" I told him "Hey! I thought it was a good Garroth impression" he told me "That was a garroth impression??" I asked him "anyway, Y/N can you believe that it's almost summer break!" Laurance said trying not to fangirl "I know I can't wait! I don't have to go to school, I get to hang out with my friends and family and there's going to be so much parties!!" I said jumping up and down."It's going to be awesome!" Laurance said.

"O-oh H-hey a-a-Aphmau" Laurance stuttered as Aphmau walked over to us. "Hey Laurance, how you going?" Aphmau asked Laurance ignoring me. Aphmau and Laurance started having a conversation on there own without me.

And that's when it hit me

Seeing Laurance blush and Sutter at every word Aphmau says, Aphmau giggling at laurance's stupid adorable jokes that aren't even funny.

Is this what jealously feels like?

Aphmaus laughing my laughs

Smiling My smiles

And having fun with the person I love!

I started to get really Mad

I tried to walk away but I couldn't feel my body. My body was stuck in the position it was in,  I felt myself getting hotter and hotter and I couldn't do anything about it. That's when I couldn't feel myself anymore.

Time Skip~ Nurses office

"Ugh, where am I?" I said holding my head and sitting up from a bed I must have been laying on. "Don't worry sweetie your fine now, you just passed out" the nurse explained "oh thanks, who brought me here. Because passed out people can't walk themselves to the nurses office"

Or can they??

"Don't worry, your friend did" she told me "Which friend?" I asked her still holding onto my head "I think he said his name was Laurance. I don't know. But he seemed pretty worried about you. Your lucky to have such nice friends that care so much for you" She told me handing me a glass of water.  "Thanks. Er W-what time is it?" I asked her taking a sip of the water she gave me "It's almost the end of school. You only have 3 periods left!" She told me "You know what I'm feeling a bit better now. Thank you so much" i told her putting the glass of water down and grabbing my school bag. I was almost about to leave. "Hey Y/N? the nurse asked me in a creepy voice "Yeah?" I said turning around scared "Have a lollipop!" She told me handing me a lollipop " Thanks?" I said still a bit creeped out and walked  out of the nurses office to my next class

I was still mad at Aphmau because Laurance and I were having a wonderful time until Aphmau Decided to rudely interrupt us!

Time Skip~ Walking Home

"So Y/N how was the last day of your first school year?" Garroth asked me "I don't know because I was passed out for most of the day!" I yelled "Is that a yes or no?" Garroth asked me "It's a no" I said walking a bit in front of Garroth to where Vylad was walking "Soooo got any cool sicience camps to go on this summer?" I asked him "Actually no. I want to stay home so I can hang out with my awesome loving family" Vylad explained to me "really! Awe Vylad that's so sweet of you" I said hugging him. I walked away and walked to where Zane was walking "Heyy Zane" I cooed "don't talk to me" he said walking off  "Well that was rude!"  I said stoping and truning around and telling my other two brothers that stayed with me. 

Time Skip~ Home

We walked into our house to see our parents sitting on the couch crossing their arms.

"Ok mom dad look I can explain" I said backing out to the door trying to make a exit "Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong" my dad said uncrossing his arms "I didn't?" I asked "No Y/N, your report cards came in the mail" my dad said happily "Ohhhhh" I said clamming down and sitting on the couch next to my mom and my brothers did the Same."We're going to do eldest to youngest" my mother explained.

In the Ro'Meave family I've always been last. What happened to Laddies first?

My father picked up garroths report card and started reading while my mom looked over his shoulder to look at the report card

"Hmm....Garroth, all A's and one B+ Very impressive Garroth. Better then last year" my father explained impressed with garroths grades.

We all looked at Garroth impressed.


Because he's not the smartest.

And we all know that😂😂

"Next up is zuzu! Garte? can i read this one?" My mom asked my dad "Sure honey!" He said pecking her on the lips "Ok little Zuzu your grades are all A's and two B-'s, awesome job little zuzu" my mom said pinching Zanes cheeks "Mom! Stop!" Zane yelled trying to move away from our mom.

"Zianna, how about I read Vylads and then you read Y/N's" my dad suggested "Sounds great honey!" My mom said letting go of Zanes cheeks. "Ok Vylad lets see what you got. All A's Vylad. Your mother and I are so proud of you" my dad said walking up to Vylad and hugging him "Thanks dad" Vylad told him.

"Ok last but not least is our Little N/N (Nick Name) lets see here." My mom said picking up my report card.

Oh no! I thought to myself

"I'm scared" I whispered to my brothers. I felt arms around me. I looked up to see my brothers hugging me in support. "thanks" i whispered and smiled to them. They broke the hug.

"Oh. My. Irene." My mom said in surprise "Garte! Come have a look at this" my mom told my dad "Oh my Irene. Is it really that bad??!?! Ok look, I'm so so sorry" I started to freak out.

"Y/N! This. Is. Amazing! All A+'s!!!!!"  My mom cut me off

"What???!!?!?!??!!! Oh my Irene! No way!" My dad yelled  "Y/N we are so proud of you!!" My dad told me. I looked at my mom. She was crying "Mom?? Are you crying?" I asks her "No........ Ok yes i am! Y/N you have worked so hard all year and you deserve this so badly. I'm, I'm just so so so proud of  all of you." My mom told us. "Thanks mom and dad we love you" we said comimg into a group hug expect Zane. We broke the hug and walked upstairs to our own  rooms

I was about to go to bed until I herd......Crying? And it sounds  like it was coming from Zanes room. I walked out of my room and walked into Zanes without permission "Hey Zane, are you ok?" I asked him in a caring voice "AHHHH!!! Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" He yelled "I've come to check on you. Are you ok?" I asked him again "no and I don't want to talk about it" Zane mumbled "Well sit down big bro,  cause we're having a my little horseies marathon!" I said excitedly and sat down on one of  Zanes black bean bags. Zane smiled and jumped into his other bean bag.

Am I the best little sister or what?

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