6 | Aphmau Vs Y/N

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It was finally the weekend of your first week of high school. It wasn't like you had any homework to do seeing as the first week was just to get to know each other. You found your self bored.

You walked out of your bedroom to downstairs to see everyone expect for your dad, as he was at work, sitting on the couch.

"Ugh, mom are you serious right now I don't want to go to the stupid park. It's for little kids" Zane whined.

"Awe come on Zuzu, it'll be fun. Live a little! Besides my friend has a cute daughter your age" Zianna giggled nudging Zane's arm.

"What's that got to do anything?"

No one had noticed you were standing behind the couch so you decided to make them aware. "What's going on?" You asked curiously leaning yourself on the back of the couch.

"You know my best friend I'm always hanging out with? Well I'm meeting with her today I and thought that because she also has a kid that I'd bring you guys along so you could meet" Zianna explained.

If she was the same age as you and Zane then this shouldn't be to bad.

"Sure I'm in. Got nothing else to do anyway"

"Great then it's all settled were all going!" Zianna stood up in excitement clapping her hands together.

- - - -

You had gotten changed into something more comfortable and made your way over to the park.

You had to walk past where it happened earlier that week. God you need to keep your big mouth shut sometimes.

Your face flushed thinking about it, but it wasn't like you liked him or anything. He was just a friend. Plus Garroth would mentally kill you.

"Do you think she goes to our school?" Garroth asked running up beside you.

"Hopefully. Maybe we already know her" You answered.


Oh my god would she be quiet for once she's so embarrassing

- - - -

I was way to excited I was jumping/running through the park

"Y/N I think you need to clam down, your going to hurt yourself" Garroth told me

"Sorry I'm just so excited" I said trying to clam down.

We were waiting in the park for Silvana and her daughter to come

"I hope we don't have to babysit some little Brat" Vylad whined

.Then a older woman with black hair and (I don't know what colour eyes) came up to us and....and APHMAU!!

"APHMAU" I yelled and ran up to her hugging her

" I see you two have already meet" Silvana said to us

"Yeah we're totally not like best friends or anything" Aphmau joked


"TOTALLY BYE KIDS LOVE YA GET ALONG" They said running off leaving us there at the park.

"Aphmau I never knew our moms were friends...that's......that's SO COOL!" I yelled to Aphmau

"I know right!"

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked

"How about a game? I have a soccer ball in the car" Aphmau told us "I love soccer let's do it" I said excitedly

Time skip~To A Nearby Soccer Field

"Girls can't be good at soccer it's only for boys" Zane huffed.

That made me mad i wanted to punch him in the face so then he would have no eyes

"Y/N are you ok?" Aphmau said noticing how angry I was.

I igronerd her and started walking up to Zane when garroth and Vylad held me back


"Y/N clam down" Garroth told me. I calmed down falling to the floor when Garroth and Vylad let go of me. I got up and herd the sound of a Ice cream van "Who wants Ice cream?" I asked

We were all sitting down eating out ice creams. When we finished I spoke up

" Garroth and Vylad vs Y/N and Aphmau?"

"What about me?" Zane asked "Like you said girls can't play soccer" I sassed

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and went on his phone.

I brought my attention to Vylad and Garroth

"BRING IT!" Vylad and Garroth accepted our challenge.

Aphmau and I won

"Aphmau your actually really good at soccer" I complimented her

"Not as good as you.... And you have shocking fitness, how do you do it?" she puffed.

"When you have three brothers you kinda get used to it" I said

"We.........Want.......A............Rematch" the boys puffed.

But when I was about to say something my Mom and Silvana came back.

"Hey mom, Silvana how was the run?" I asked them

"It was great we ran listened to Beyoncé" My mom said

"did you kids have a good time?" Silvana asked us.

"We had a great time thanks for asking" I chirped.

"How would you guys like to come around to our place tonight and we can make dinner" My mom offered

"That sounds amazing we will be there what time?" Silvana asked.

"7:00 sound good?" mom asked

"Great! See you then we must be going now" Silvana said

"Awesome! see you then bye Silvana and Aphmau" my mom said.

Mom turned around to face us and said "Ok kids let's go home and get ready"

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