Extra | Senpai notice me

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"LAURANCE WINS" the narrater said on the video game

"Laurance! Thats not fair, you cheated" I said punching his arm "No i won fair and square!" He told me "What does that even mean?" I asked him "I do not know" he told me "Hey! Wanna make a bet?" I asked him "Sure! bring it!" He told me "How about if I win this next game you have to buy me ice cream" I challenged him "And if I win, youuu have to buy me ice cream!" Laurance said smirking at me "Your so on" I challenged him again.

"Y/N WINS" the narrater said on the video game.

"HA! YESSSS!!" I yelled jumping off the couch "You! Laurance Zhal! Go get me some victory ice cream" I joked "No fair you cheated" Laurance whined "No, I won fair and square" I said getting close to his face.

Laurance and I were a couple of centimetres apart now just looking into each other's eyes. Then we just bursted out laughing. "Let's go to the park they have the best ice cream!" I said to Laurance breaking the awkward laughing "Sounds good" he said walking towards the door "MOM! LAURANCE AND I ARE HEADING OUT" I yelled to my mom who was upstairs "OK HAVE FUN N/N" my mom yelled to me. I opened the door for Laurance and then I followed him.

On our walk to the park it was quiet until Laurance spoke up "Sooo N/N" he teased "Don't you start, Laur bear~"I teased him back "Well played Y/N, Well played" he told me. I just giggled

Time Skip- park

Laurance and I walked up to the ice cream stand "One chocolate chip and one F/I/F (Favourite ice cream flavour)" Laurance told the man running the stand

(Ha the duck song reference)

"Coming right up" the man said "Awe Laurence you remembered my favourite ice cream flavour" I said in awe "Of course I did Y/N" Laurance told me "Two ice creams for the lovely couple" he told us "Actually were not dating, we're just friends" Laurance told the man. I looked down in shame

The words just friends rolled through my mind many times till I got sick of those words

Time Skip~ Park Bench

"It's really nice today" I said finishing my victory ice cream "Yeah it is. Y/N?" Laurance asked me "Yeah?" I asked him "Can I tell you something?" He asked me "Yeah! Sure Laurance you can tell me anything you know" I told him "Ok I'm glad I can trust you" he said "Of course you can! So what's up?" I asked him "Well you see Aph-AHHHH" Laurance screamed falling in a portal that magically opened up and sucked him in

"Laurance? Are you dead?"

Smurfs reference

"Wlep,He's dead" I said standing up and walking away

Laurance died so that's the end of the story if you want to see more stories go to my profile see ya.


I walked away but then stopped

I can't leave him

But he doesn't love me

He likes Aph

But I love him

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