Chapter 14~The Nightmare

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Bold - self conscious

The nightmare. The nightmare Scared me for life.


Dream starts~

'W-where am I?'

I searched around the empty dark room I was in. When I realised


I started to freak out when some one came, walking down the stairs "Hello love, Sleep well?" Gene asked in caring way.

"What's going on?" I asked worried for my own life. Gene rolled his eyes and made his way over to me. "Drink this" He demanded. I did what he said and drank it. Suddenly I felt different, I looked up at gene. Since when was he so cute?

Do I like Gene??


"How'd you sleep love?" Gene said in a flirty voice. I couldn't help but giggle.

"M-Morning Gene, I slept well. I'm must say you look very nice today" I said happily.

"Why thank you Y/N, you to kind. Y/N I have a question for you. Do you like like me?" He asked

I blushed "How did know?"

"Just a guess. Anyway, How much do you hate Laurance?" He asked

Suddenly I felt angry. Like someone had stolen my potato chips.

"Ew him, he can't sing and he's just a loser who wasn't cool enough for the shadow knights. He's not even cute, I hate him"

How could I say such terrible things, I don't hate Laurence I love him.

Randomly Gene got super close to my face. I knew what he wanted, and I wanted it to

"Beg" He demanded

"Gene please kiss me" I asked


"GENE! ... Please... Please kiss me" I cried.

"Better" He smiled pleased, Gene carefully put his lips onto mine. Even though his a really bad kisser, it was kinda nice. Gene broke the kiss.

"T-thank you..." I gasped for air. "Your very much welcome" Gene smirked


Y/N" Gene said breaking the awkward silence.


"What do you think about the Shadow Knights?" Gene asked

"I absolutely love the shadow knights. I'm there number one fan!" I tried to keep my excitement in.

"Am I ready to be a Shadow knight?" I asked, Gene shook his head "Not yet my love. I just don't want you to get in trouble"

"I'm sorry" I apologized "you know I love you. Right?"

"But what someone else loved me?" Gene asked

"Who is it? Is it Aphmau? I'LL KILL HER!"

Suddenly Aphmau poofed up out of nowhere, her hands around Gene.

"Gene, let me go" I demanded. Gene untied me and stood back from what was about to happen. I had a knife in my hand, yes a knife. I walked up to Aphmau ready to attack. "Y/N what are you doing?" She asked scared backing up.

"It's time you get what you deserve" I yelled stabing her in her heart, Puff like she had heart anyway.


"Good girl" Gene petted my head like I was a pet. Suddenly my family popped out.

Garroth saw the body

'You monster'

Vylad saw the blood on me

'Your disgusting'

Zane saw the smirk

'You sicken me'

Mother saw the knife

'I thought I raised you better'

Father saw my red beaming eyes

'Your no longer part of this family. I never wanted a daughter in the first place'

They absolutely hate me...

Then Laurance popped up. Ivy around his waist. "I hate you. Grow up, you don't even know what love is" Laurance scolded me kissing Ivy passionatly, fading away.

Laurance come back, I love you


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