Chapter 22~ The Co-ed Sleepover

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To be honest I'm scared. Not for me but for Aphmau. Aphmau, Laurance Garroth and I are all having a co-ed sleep over. We're all sleeping in the basement, that Garroth and I cleaned up just for this occasion, so it's not creepy.

Why my mom let us do this? To congratulate me for getting my memory back.

At the moment it's 8:00 and Garroth and I are waiting in the living room waiting for the door bell to ring.

*Ding dong*

Garroth and I smirked at each other, there's hell coming, I jerked up and started to run over to the door when Garroth caught up to me and pushed me down to the ground making him the winner of 'who can answer the door first' game.

I got up off the floor and gave Garroth a glare as he opened the door.

There stood the hottie himself. Laurance Zvhal. He was holding a sleepover black bag, wearing his PJ's and his hair was messy but cute.

"Hey Guys" Laurance cheerfully said, almost dropping his bag probably because it was to heavy. I smiled at Laurance's cuteness and he smiled back.

Garroth was about to say something but I cut him off. "Come on in" I greeted him in, taking his bag leading him downstairs.

After a few minutes of waiting awkwardly the door bell rang again. Finally Aphmau had shown up. I walked to the door and greeted her.

"Hey Aph, bou't time. Everyone's already here"

"Wow Laurance bet me here. I'm surprised. He's always late" Aphmau joked as I led her downstairs to the boys.  Garroth's and Laurance's face lit up when they saw Aphmau.

I couldn't care about Garroth liking Aph but if course it hurts to see that my beloved Laurance dose instead of me.

Oh what I would kill to be Aphmau for a day. 

"I'm going to order a pizza" I excused myself from the room.

I walked into the bathroom holding my heart. The thought of sleeping near Laurance makes my heart sore.

I ignored the feeling and ordered some pizza.

Question: What's your favorite pizza flavor?

The last two hours past with us talking about school and eating pizza. That's until Garroth spoke up.

"This is totally boring" Garroth announced.

"I agree" Laurance agreed

Aphmau smirked "How about we play truth or dare"

I looked down in fright. She wouldn't... would she?

I stopped being a chicken and looked back up. "let's do it"

"I'll start. Garroth truth or dare?" Aphmau smirked

"U-uh truth" Garroth stuttered, obviously scared of what Aphmau was going to ask him.

"Tell us one of your deepest darkest secrets"

One if his secrets is that he likes Aphmau but would he tell her that now? Is it the right place?

"Ok, Y/N don't get mad. When you were a baby and I was holding you I accidentally dropped you" Garroth squinted his eyes.

"You dropped me!" I yelled

"Hey you promised you wouldn't get mad!" Garroth defended

"Oh hell no I didn't!"

"Is that why she's do dumb now?" Laurance joked

"Shut up!" I yelled

I decided to clam down. It's nothing to get mad about. I don't want Laurance to see that side of me, not now.

"Ok," Garroth spoke up "Laurance truth or Dare?"

Laurance's face lit up "Dare. I'm no chicken"

"Very well then, I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Y/N" Garroth pointed at me.

"Do what now?" Laurance's voice went high

"You heard me" Garroth yelled.

Next thing we know we're both getting pushed into the storage closet. And now its just us. him and I. Me and him. Laurance and Y/N alone together in a closet playing 7 minutes in heaven. This is heaven, well at least it is to me. For Laurance probably not so much

They pushed us in so hard that Laurance fell on top of me.

"Sorry Y/N" Laurance apologized getting off me and helping me up.

"What jerks. Am I right?" He asked, crossing his arms

"Yeah what real jerks" I played along. I looked the other way. I can't do this to Laurance. He likes Aphmau. I looked the other way. 

"We don't have to Laurance. Not if your not comfortable with it. How about we just take the time to talk" I suggested

Laurance smiled "Sounds good"

For the last 6 minutes in 'heaven' we talked and got to know each other better. I have to admit. It was nice.When it was over and they opened up the door Aphmau and Garroth were disappointed in what they saw. I know Garroth's doing,  he's trying to make Laurance like me instead of Aphmau so he can be with her.

We stopped playing truth or dare and made up some popcorn and watched Fairy Tail until we all passed out, I must admit. It was a great night, and I hope to do it again. But just with Laurance.

Ok now that sounds creepy.

Aphmau's POV

I woke up and looked around to see the TV still on. I guess we passed out. I turned off the TV and looked around to see Garroth sleeping. I guess it's early, I thought to myself.  I checked my phone it was 7:30. I was right it is early.

I got up out of my sleeping bag,  stretching and yawning. I looked around and noticed that Laurance had completely disappeared from his sleeping bag.

That's when I noticed the cutest thing you could possibly see in your entire life.

Laurance and Y/N cuddling.

I had to get a picture if this

I had to get a picture if this

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They were totally meant to be. 

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