Chapter 18~ Going Alone

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Every where I walk

Every where I turn

Someones being asked romanticly to prom. It's starting to get annoying. Not just because I haven't been asked... Yet I hope, but the fact that they get all shy around who there asking, like Gezz have some confidence like me.

I sighed at the one of the many posters that had been placed around the school for prom. 

If I were to go I would only want one person to take me, and I'm pretty sure we all know who that is... Ross



Someone spoke up to me putting me out of my trans I was in.

"You going?" Travis asked, his hands behind his back.

I sighed "No. You?"

"Nah" he simply replied.

"Why not?"

"to overrated for me"

"But isn't everything overrated?"

"exactly. That's why I don't like doing anything" Travis laughed, making me laugh as well.

"You know what?-" teared the poster off the wall "F the prom"

"Yeah F the prom" Travis yelled.

"Like who needs someone special to take you to a really cool event anyway?" I said sarcastically.

Travis looked down, then back up and sighed "Y/N it seems like you want someone to take you"

"Well of course I do you idiot!" I yelled

Time Skip~  Lunch

I was chatting to Laurance, Totally not hoping he would ask me to prom, when Kawaii~Chan ran up to me. 

Oh dear god help.  This third person talk is going to kill me one day. 

"Y/N~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan has news!" Kawaii~Chan puffed. 

"What is it Kawaii~Chan?" Laurance asked obviously annoyed that she intruded on our conversation

"It's happening!" she yelled

"What!?" I yelled

"Aphmau and Arron!"

"Oh my Irene Laurance do you know what this means!?" I asked

"That you're crazy" Laurance said crossing his arms

"No! ARRMAU FOR LIFE!" I yelled.

And then.  We all laughed

Time skip~

I had done it. Absolutely made a fool of myself by going to the shops and picking out prom dresses by myself.

But you know what? IDGAF

So I picked out a dress for myself.

And yes I'm going alone to prom. How sad.



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You can choose which dress you want

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You can choose which dress you want

This was the one! Number D/N!

This is the one I'm going to wear while I go to a high school prom alone.

Oh my Irene save my soul

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now