Chapter 21~ Amnesia

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I woke up... In a bed? What in the name of Irene happened?

I looked up to see 3 adults on my right and 4 boys on my left.

"Oh thank Irene she's awake" The women next to me said. Weird. Who was this women and why does she care about me?

Then, a lady with a white coat pushed her way through the adults and crouched down to my height to talk to me. "Hello Y/N, im glad your awake." She started but I stopped her.

"Who's Y/N?" I asked.

The laddies eyes opened wide as she turned around to the two adults, but she shook it off and turned back to me.

"Do you know where you are and what your doing here?" The lady asked in a soft tone.

I looked around the walls were a nice white and there was a big window at the end of the room, so I'm guessing I'm in a hospital.

"A hospital" I said uncertain.

"correct" she smiled

Now for the second question, why am I here? I looked at the male closet to me, he had light brown messy hair, blue eyes and had a worried look on his face. To be honest I have no idea why I'm here, so I blurted out the first thing that I thought of.

"Did I just have a child?" I asked lifting up my bed sheets to check. I faced the boy "are you the father?" I asked bluntly.

Everyone in the room laughed at my comment while the brown haired boy blushed wildly.

"No, Y/N your not pregnant. Well I hope your not. Anyway, you have some memory loss but don't worry it will come back slowly" the doctor put her hand on my knee.

The women turned to the face the two adluts again. "She's got amnesia, but don't worry, just take her show her some old photos, tell her some stories and let her rest and she should be back to normal soon" she explained and they nodded in agreement.

A little after that the strange people took me to a home and treated me like I've never walked before.

I was currently talking to the brown haired boy who seemed very worried for me. Like so weird.

"So what's your name again?"

"Laurance" The boy answered

"And what's your role in my life?"

"I'm like your best friend!" He said cheerfully.

I sighed and sat down on the bed that was apparently 'Mine'

"I'm sorry. This is all so much to take in" I apologized

"Don't worry it's ok, we'll get your memory back in no time" He said hopefull.

"So tell me about me"


"what am I like?" I asked "I'm curious"

"Well... In short your amazing. Your always making me laugh, your nice to everyone you come across, and your super creative, your like my Co captain at soccer. A truly amazing girl. That's why your my best friend."

I blushed at his comment. But why? I didn't even know the guy. Sure he was attractive and all but I dont even know him. But yet something at the back of my mind says that he's important to me.

"thanks... I hope I get my memory back soon. This is all messing with my head" I spoke up.

"How about we go downstairs and we'll tell you some stories. Maybe it'll jog your memory." 'laurance' suggested.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea" I sighed looking down, following 'Laurance' out of my room.

My Brothers Best Friend | Laurance Zvhal x Reader ️ Where stories live. Discover now