Chapter 29~ Y/N The Meif~ia

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Now that's scarcer than copyright

This Chapter has been edited


Leaning on a desk trying to sleep while the teacher decided to not show up for the lesson is hard when SOMEONE IS ASKING YOU STUPID QUESTIONS!!!

"Do you like chemistry? cause I don't"

"Where the heck is the teacher?"

"Does my hair look good today? 

I decided to ignore his undying questions, and have a little fun with him.

"So Laurance, how's it going with Aph?" I smirked. Laurance's face went a cute shade of pink.


"The truth or a lie? " He asked me hoping I would pick lie.

"The truth" I said sitting up straight in my chair

"I'm to scared to talk to her-" He sighed looking down "She's just to cute"

"Aw, sorry Laurance. She'll notice how awesome you are one day and if she doesn't she's missing out on a really great guy" I smiled trying to cheer him up. Laurance kept looking down, I guess it didn't work.

Time Skip~

I know it's a totally different way but just pretend. This is a fanfic for gods sake it will make sense soon.

"Ughh!" I grited fiddling with the safety glasses that were on the bench

"I'm with you Y/N, ughh!" Laurance joined

"I hope there having fun and making us do all the work" Laurance said

"I know! Aphmau said she was so excited to be science partners-"

I stood up "I THINK LIE!!" I yelled

"Garroth said the same thing!"

"Wow Garroth you made a giant puppy appear, your amazing!" Aphmau yelled sitting on the giant puppy.

"What!? I CAN DO SCIENCEY THINGS TO!!" Laurance yelled throwing a bunch of potions onto the ground


After the large puff of smoke had disappeared  I gazed up to see Laurance staring at me and immediately turning bright red backing up a bit.

"Laurance are you ok? Your face"  I told him "Y-yeah I-I'm fine" Lauance stuttered

Laurance stuttered. Laurance hardly ever stutters, only around Aphmau, and that makes me think...what the hell did he do to me

Aphmau and Garroth were now staring at me.


"Y-Yeah" Laurance stuttered "What did you do to me?" I asked putting my hands on my head until I felt something fluffy on my head.

I examined the fluffy thing on my head more.

"Ears?" I asked myself

I looked down at my butt

I saw a black tail

"Woah! I have a tail" I said going around in a circle to see it. My tail sawing from side to side slowly

"LAURANCE YOUR DEAD!!" Garroth yelled and Laurance ran out of the classroom with Garroth behind him.

I felt my ear twitch "Oh my Irene, Y/N your a meif~ia!" Aphmau stated surprised.

"Nope" I sighed sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. "What are you doing?" Aphmau asked me "I'm sick of getting myself in these situations" I sighed. "Awe Y/N. I'm sure the potion will wear off soon" Aphmau comforted me "Thanks Aph your the best" I said standing up and hugging her.

Bell Rings~

I walked out of the classroom and down the main hall to walk to the cafeteria. I tried to put my head down so no one knew who I was....but I failed.

"GOD DAM *whistles*"


"HOOO *claps*"

I made it to the cafeteria and sat down on a random table not knowing who I say next to. I sighed. I face palmed on the table "Are you ok?" A deep voice asked me concerned. "No" I said not looking up "what's wrong?" He asked me. I looked up to see I had sat next to Riley.

"I have ears and a tail" I told him. He ignored me and just looked at me weirdly "I'm sorry but I feel like I know you. Do I?" He asked me "It's me Y/N. I meet you yesterday" I told him "Righhhht I didn't recognise you because the ears and tail. Are you are meif~ia?" He asked me "No, no I'm not. It's a potion" I told him "they look good on you😏" he told me. "Your just saying that" I blushed a light shade of pink "they really do look good on you,do you want to talk about it?" He asked me "Yeah, that would be nice" I said looking into his ocean blue eyes. "You helped me yesterday so now it's time for me to help you" he said cheerfully.

Riley and i talked about what happened. He made me feel better about it.

he's a good listener and he is very calming. I feel like we're going to be good friends.

Or maybe something more......MAUHAHSHAHAH

Y/N: what!?

Nothing don't you have something better to do like go make out with a picture of Laurance.

Y/N: solid burn

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