Chapter 11~Where the heck are you Laurance!?

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I'm couldn't care less that Laurance stood me up. But now i'm worried,It's been a almost 2 days since it the incident happened and I haven't seen Laurance.

But on the bright side next week is Halloween.


When I was younger I would always still candy from my brothers, when they weren't looking of course.

I  love the decorations, costumes and I love the atmosphere. I love everything about Halloween

And it's my favourite You tubers birthday ItsFunneh

I just used the word "Love" five times in this paragraph


walked into the school with so many many questions in my head.

Why didn't Laurance show up?

Should I host a Halloween party?

Where is Laurance?

Why is Laurance so god damm cute?

Ok that last one wasn't suppose to be there

"Laurance? Laurance Zhal?"

The teacher said marking the role.

I wished I could hear the sweet sound of his voice saying "Here" but there was no response.

There were loud whispers from all of the students

"I thought he was here today!"

"He usually sits next to Y/N"

"where is he?"

I decided to shrug it off and go on with my everyday life.

Laurence's POV

Laurence has been kidnapped by the shadow nights.

Where am I? I thought to myself

I tried to move from where I was but I couldn't. I was tied to a pole. I looked up to see the one person in this world I love.


"What!?  Where am I!? Gene!?" I struggled to move

"Laurance, Laurance, Laurance. Look at you. Hopeless without the shadow knights. You could've been like us Laurance. Cool! But no you decided to leave us. Why Laurance? Why" Gene said in a monotone voice

"Because I'm the only one who saw you for what you really are. Trash!" I yelled

"That was a stupid answer"

"What do you want from me? Your not going to hurt me right?" I asked worried

"We're not going to hurt you, Well actually we are but not in that way" Gene smirked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"because you hardly have a family of your own, we're going to hurt the family you care most about" he told me.

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