Chapter 20~ "Y-You Have a Crush?"

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"Y/N" Garroth cooed in my ear

"Garroth? What time is it?" I said half asleep

"Its 11:00" Garroth told me


"Am. And Laurance is here to hang out with us today. Did you forget?" Garroth explained

"Wait what?" I opened my eyes to see Garroth and Laurance looking at me intensely. "Hey Y/N. Laurance akwardly waved.

This had done it.


That's when my mom came in

"What's going on in here? What's with all the yelling. And why are you on the floor" she asked

"Garroth did it again!" I yelled.

And yeah this has happened more then once.  First it was Dante,  then Travis and now Laurance. Like Gezz I can't even get any privacy in my own bed.

"Garroth get out of your sisters room and take Laurance with you." mom ordered him. Garroth nodded and got out.

"He just doesn't get it dose he?" My mom said


"Three times now?"


"Oh you poor soul. And it was Laurance"


"Ok anyway. Y/N I have to work today so I will leave you alone with Laurence" Mom smirked.

"And Garroth" I added

"yeah and him" my rolled her eyes and left for work.

I got up off the floor and decided to get dressed.

I walked downstairs to see Garroth and Laurance playing video games

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I walked downstairs to see Garroth and Laurance playing video games

"Hey guys!" I chirped

"Hey Y/N. It's nice to see you. You know awake" Laurance joked

"I'm not much of a video game type of gal so I'm going to go back upstairs, call me when you guys do something fun" I sassed, walking upstairs to get stopped by Vylad.

"Y/N we should talk" Vylad said looking down.

"Yeah we should" I breathed out.

I followed my brother into his room.

"Y/N I'm sorry for yelling at you last night. It wasn't my decision" Vylad apologised

"No you were right. I shouldn't be going kissing boys I don't like.  Now Dante probably thinks I like him now, what do I tell him?"

"You got caught up in the moment."


"Tell him you got caught up in the momen. It happens" Vylad explained

"If he brings it up I'll tell him, thanks Vylad. And Im sorry 2" I brought Vylad into a hug.

Time Skip~

We were all in siting in Garroth's room talking when Garroth left to get water, leaving Laurance and I alone.

Thank god Garroth doesn't know that i have feelings for Laurance otherwise he would never let us be alone together.

As Garroth left there was an awkward silence.

"Y/N there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now"
Laurance spoke up.

It couldn't be... Could it?

"I have a crush" Laurance admitted

"Y-you have a crush?" I stuttered


"who" I asked


My heart just broke into 2

Are you freaking kidding me!!

"well here's my advice. After you go home. Go to her house and ask her to the movies. But be careful if her mom answers, she's very overprotective about boys. So make her like you."

"Y/N...Thanks. your the best" Laurance hugged me

"No problem"

I know what your thinking why would I do give him advice when I like him. Its because I feel like I have made a friend relationship with him instead of a romantic relationship and that's my fault. I want him to be happy and if he is happy with Aphmau then I'm happy. If he didn't like me.  I'm glad it was Aphmau, my best friend. I know he would be in good hands

Time Skip~

I was on my bed writing  a fanfic about me and Laurance when I got a text from him

Laurance- I chickened 🐔

Y-You'll get her next time. But just remember there are plenty of fish in the sea

Laurance -Thanks Y/N,Your the best

Y-I know

I wiped a sweat off from my forehead.

Thank god he didn't ask her out. I wouldve been heart broken. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I had to cry. I put my face onto my pillow and cried my heart out until there wasn't anymore tears to shred.

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