Chapter 38~ Confessing?

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The car trip home was very awkward full of silence the whole way my brothers were stareing at me, it was creepy......

By the time we got home it was dark and my mum and dad asked me if I was ok one more time then went to bed.

I sighed and turned around to see my three idiot brothers still starring at me

"ok I didn't want to say anything in the car but now you guys are being creepy" I said

"she doesn't know" Vlyad told Zane (who didn't look to happy) and garroth

"we're calling a sibling meeting" garroth said pushing us all into the nearest room which just happened to be mine

"What are you guys doing!?" I asked very confused

"Y/N, Laurance saved you he broke the spell by kissing you" Vlyad explained


h-he d-did?" I asked

" Yeah he barged in and grabbed you by your chin and smashed his lips onto yours..hehehe it was so romantic" garroth explained.

"well glad you enjoyed the show" I said trying to push them out

"aren't you happy that your love of your life kissed you? " Vlyad asked

"he's not the love of my life besides he doesn't like me like that anyway he likes aphmau-"

"WHAT!?" garroth yelled

"oh come on garroth we all knew that" Vylad said

"we've kissed many times before, I like him and he likes me just not the way I want him to" I said making myself sad

"now I would appreciate if you guys could leave me alone. I'll see you all in the morning love you all" I said angry pushing them out of my room.

Vylad's POV

"that girl just doesn't know how to be mean dose she"

"she's heartbroken. I hate to see her like this" garroth said

"I can't believe I'm saying bur even I feel sorry for her" Zane said

"there's nothing we can do we will just make it worse...." I said


I sat on my bed thinking what the fortune teller said was that



"Do you have love problems or need love advice? Call 009 love and get your problems solved by the one and only cupid jnr!" the person on the loud speaker said.

It took me a little while to get it into my head then I ran to the bathroom and made sure no one was in there then stupidly decided to call it

"hey there folks looks like we have our first caller. Hey there! Are you a girl or a boy?"

The person asked me on the phone.

"I'm a girl" I answered.

I'm so lucky that my voice sounds totally different on the phone

"what's up girlfriend now what's your problem?"

"well you see there's this boy that I like and I don't know how to tell him how I feel because he's my best friend" I said

"well in my opinion caller I think toy should just tell him and if he doesn't expect your feelings he is not your friend"

"ok ...... Thanks?" I said

"no problem caller looks like we have another caller. See ya caller"

I hung up that was it I was going to tell him right now. I opened the door and went on my search to find Laurance

I found him....... Kissing michi

Tears fell down my face as I saw the person I love drift away from me

I ran back to the bathroom was locked myself in a stall and cried my feelings out

I am done with Laurance.

Feelings going down, down, down and there gone

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