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I have to try extremely hard to keep myself from jumping in relief as I watch Elizabeth and John describe the contents of all the bad files they have on people. So much information that would absolutely destroy thousands of people and companies.

"Names, adresses, numbers, companies, everything on everyone is in these files" John starts and Elizabeth finishes.

"But most importantly, all security details curtesy of Peter and Victoria" She smiles at us and we return the favor, we played our part and they played theirs, then we combined them and created something quite horrific.

"Feels good to have it all together in one place" Peter announces with a great amount of relief in his voice. I just need to know one more thing before my mission is a go. I pucker up a little bit, my eyes focusing seductively on John as they settle.

"I have one question, considering Peter and myself got a lot of the information for you, I believe it's only fair for us to know whom gets all this very valuable information" I dare and ask sweetly but strongly, showing I'm serious yet not being mean about it. The married couple exchange a look before John shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't see why not, it's going to a business man who will put this information to good use, his name is Zufar - Al - Assad. He has many connections, someone who will be of great help to us" John lies directly to my face. He doesn't know that I am actually aware of who that is and trust me he's no businessman, he's a  terrorist. Now whether John knows the truth or whether he is withholding doesn't matter. Fact is this deadly collection of information is going straight into the group I'm trying to dismantle. Ficter.

"A good businessman will know what to do with this information" I say greatly satisfied by the response I received, it's the confirmation. Everyone seems very happy, each of the three heavily corrupt businessmen and woman think I'm just a business graduate from Columbia and Oxford, they think John is a sugar daddy of sorts. To keep him around I promised that after the deal, I'll give him something he's been waiting for. He's never going to get it.

"Excuse me while I freshen up from all this excitement" I excuse myself politely as I leave the trio in the room. I close the heavy wooden door before taking off towards the bathroom that sits four doors down the hallway. I enter the lavish lavatory and lock the door behind me. Instantly I kick off the painful heels and roll my feet on the cold ground. Next I walk over to the shiny toilet and place my right foot up on the seat. I pull up my dress to reveal a perfectly concealed gun. I pull it from the equally well concealed holster. Holding the gun in my hands, I search the large bathroom for a towel and it doesn't take long for me to open a drawer and reveal around twenty perfectly rolled white face towels. I pull one from the drawer and use it to conceal the gun. I place the items under my arm and glance at my delicate silver watch. It is twenty-nine minutes past ten in the evening, perfect timing.

With that I leave my designer shoes in the bathroom, knowing no will find them as there is only four of us in the large house. I open the bathroom door and start the short journey back to the large room where the trio await me. Pausing briefly out side the door, I hear their light conversation which is laced with giggles and chuckles. These are not good people, they have all hurt people and if this information gets out, even more will be hurt. For me however, these files would make Ficter near unstoppable and I cannot let that happen. I take a deep breath before I push the door open.

"Ah Victoria, I have some lovely champagne for us to celebrate" John calls out happily as I swiftly close the door behind me. However while I have my back to them, I quickly manoeuvre the rolled towel around the gun to act as DIY silencer.

As I turn around, all three have their backs to me. They're lined up with John and Elizabeth on the left and Peter on the right. I only need two of them for now, only an extra five minutes however. With that, my presence as Victoria comes to a close. I raise my arm to point the gun and suppressor at the head of Peter, squeezing the tiny trigger confidently. A lone bullet zips from the gun but I don't wait to see if it hits, I trust my accuracy.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now