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"You can't be serious Sophia?" Becker follows me as I briskly walk over to where my gun is still lying on the ground from when Derosa disarmed me. I bend over and pick it up, it's still loaded and ready for use so I flip the safety switch. Safety first kids.

"I am very serious" I reply as I turn to face Becker. He has both of his arms held out to his front with palms facing the ceiling, he is definitely not happy with my brilliant idea. Jackson remains with the other two, but Becker is seriously annoyed at me.

"Sophia, that's a suicide mission" He adds as I stare at him with a 'what do you want me to say" face.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, my job is suicidal full spot" I answer his question before I start to walk back the way I came, but I as pass Becker I feel a hand clasp my left shoulder. Becker's right arm is stretched across my front and comes to a rest on my left shoulder. Knowing he means well and is a nice guy, I don't fight him. Instead I just look up to my right and straight into his eyes.

"Why do you care so much?" I ask him gently and it's a question I've been wanting to ask for a while. Since the very start he has been the only one who has shown concern. If he can befriend an assassin like me then it's true, he is too kind for his own good.

"I see the good in people, even when I don't want to. You have good in you whether you see it or not and quite frankly, I like you and wouldn't want to see you killed" Becker very sweetly states and I flash a weak smile, I don't know how to react to people who say they like me.

"Come on, lets go over what's going to happen" I avoid his statement and brush his arm off me as I walk from him I leave him standing in a state of worry. He glances over his shoulder at me as I walk away, he is more anxious than he will let on. The three other men break their conversation as I come into view and walk towards them. I push my gun down the waistband of my jeans to keep it secure and out of my way. Grant and Derosa both keep a weary eye on me as I have a gun on me but that's their problem not mine I guess.

"Are you sure about this, it's a pretty stupid plan?" Jackson makes me feel ten times better with his encouraging comment. I throw him a glare before I stop and make the triangle a square.

"Yeah, it will be fun" I place my hands on my hips and try and convince myself of the fact that it will be anything but fun. I obviously don't convince anyone with the looks I receive from the three guys. There is such a funny atmosphere shrouding us all, it feels so awkward but so nostalgic for some reason. I keep thinking back to the last time I had this strange and unusual feeling. It was in Bogotá, in the SUV on the way to the police station where I nearly killed myself by slipping out that bathroom window.

The good old days.

Becker quickly joins the group and that movement just makes this 'CIA v Sophia' staring competition even worse so I make the decision to take action.

"I have the co-ordinates for the meet location so I need two of you to accompany me to the drop point" I get down to business as this lingering around means that Charlie is a minute longer with the Huntsman than is needed.

"What happens when you get to the drop point?" Grant questions as he analyses my rash plan.

"You drop me off..." I drag out, I thought the point of a drop location was pretty obvious.

"Just like that? And what we just drive away...?" Jackson is quick to add to my comment, yes Jackson, it's that simple.

"Yes, why are you making this so complicated it's a simple thing" I raise my tone just enough to make the guys question the questions they are asking but I find that these guys don't believe in my plan as much as I do.

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