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"That's why I decided to give you a call, you know just to check up on your progress" The Huntsman replies immediately with his thought out answer. It's weird because I feel like I hear the grin on his annoying ass face, he knows damn well that we have gotten no where when it comes to tracking him down.

I glance up to look at Jackson and Becker who are intently staring back at, next I turn around and face Grant and Derosa who now stand side by side. I raise my free hand and bring a finger to my lips to indicate for them to stay silent. Next I remove the phone and press the speaker button so all can hear.

"That's awfully kind of you" I reply in a chirpy tone, I maintain eye contact with that of the two unpredictables in the room, they stay quiet. Hopefully this is enough to convince Grant that what the guys choose to do was the right thing and not a revenge mission against him.

"I know I'm a gentlemen, however, I miss your company and I'm beginning to wonder where you are. Charlie is getting a little lonely as well" The Huntsman replies, shit, I almost forgot about Charlie. With the phone held out in front of my face and my body surrounded by the four men, now is the time to end the bullshit.

"I was wondering about Charlie actually, I hope you're being a good host?" I play his game and I receive a deep chuckle from down the line. There is a hint of evil and badness in the laugh. My eyes connect with that of Becker, we both must share a look of concern in our eyes I imagine. I remember Becker's words from earlier:

"You're growing soft"

I knock the thought from my mind as the Huntsman comes back with an equally sarcastic comment.

"Oh don't you worry, I'm taking extra special care of him" the sadistic mind of the killer becoming clear. Okay, now the bullshit ends.

"I was thinking about our little game and I think I'm at a slight disadvantage, wouldn't you say so?" I question the Huntsman as I tune away from all four of the men and walk towards the shattered window, cutesy of Derosa. The shards shatter even more under my shoes.

"Yes, I would agree, what do you suppose we do to fix this disadvantage?" He replies instantly but with an amount of enthusiasm in his voice.

"I have a preposition for you" I sternly reply, my tone clearly warning that I'm sick of his twisted game. With that, I turn to face all four of the men who have kind of grouped together, all listening intently and all very silent.

"Entertain me" the killer on the other end also cuts the crap and replies in a more serious tone. I have taken a few minutes to make a plan and trust me, it's a very bad plan but it will aid one person, I hope: Charlie.

"It's the kind of preposition where I need to be face to face with you, if you get me?" I answer while staring at the ground where four pairs of boots stand.

"Oh, it must be very special so" He replies with an emphasis on the first word. I look up and take turns to look at the four men.

"Trust me, it is" I reply to the Huntsman but state for the men, it's a message for all and the beginning of my silly plan.

"I'll send you co-ordinates for a meeting place, but remember sweetheart, any tricks or surprises and Charlie will die along with those CIA men" he warns but the difference here between the four guys threatening me and him, is that this guy will actually do the deed.

"No tricks, but remember Huntsman, you're not the only professional here" I reply with a sexy undertone because this sick puppy likes a tease. I'm rewarded by a hearty but strange chuckle before the line goes dead. I slide the phone back into my pocket before I turn away from the curious men, what I've just committed to is just the worst idea I've ever had. I close my eyes momentarily and just breath, the Huntsman is one headache but there's two other ones in the room with me right now.

"Sophia...?" Becker calls out but I blatantly ignore his concern. Instead I just lower myself down on to my legs so that I'm balancing with my elbows on my knees. I hold my hands to my head and just breath, I push all the irrelevant shit out and concentrate on the main issues: Grant, Derosa, The Huntsman and Charlie. Once I feel more steady, I push myself upwards to a standing position, my hand missing the security of my gun.
I turn around and see the men haven't moved, they heard the conversation but they don't know the preposition, not even Becker and Jackson. I need to face them, so I approach them. I don't know what I'm going to say but I need to get out of here because I'm pretty sure the text that caused my phone to vibrate is the location the Huntsman talked about. He will be waiting.

"Are you okay?" Jackson questions me this time, even Derosa looks up to him, he is probably curious as to why he is asking a very non-Jackson question. I stop about five metres from the group.

"Honestly, no but I have to keep going don't I?" I reply in a serious but honest way, I shrug my shoulders as well to emphasis my point. My mind is a mess right now, I'm beginning to think I need another break but not to Columbia again, I'm sick of that place.

"What's the preposition?" Grants curiosity gets the best of him, now here is one of the headaches that I must deal with. My green eyes connect with that of Grant, I really hope he doesn't make this harder than it already is.

"One where the more people that are involved in it means more people on his kill list, however, I need you two really badly" I answer his question to an extent, but I focus the latter half on Becker and Jackson. Oh god am I going to need them.

"We will be there" Jackson bravely states in front of Grant and Derosa, and i feel something inside me. That funny, fuzzy feeling. What the hell. I nod in appreciation to Jackson and Becker, but Grant looks a little shocked.

"Charlie is an innocent, this isn't his battle it's mine and I can't let him die Grant. If I don't go, he is a dead man" I plea to Grants emotions, will he get in the way of saving a civilian? I can see the conflict on his face, his true nature is coming through the facade he has had up for the past year. His true nature is the person who wants to save those in danger. It's the reason he joined the military then the CIA, to help those who needed it. The facade is the heartless, ruthless man who has become consumed by vengeance, a revenge mission against me. That's not who he is.

"I was meant to protect him and I didn't, I can't let him die" I add, a final stab at convincing him. After this, I'm leaving here and I don't care who I leave behind.

"What's the preposition?" Derosa repeats Grants question but in a much calmer and cooler tone, which surprises me greatly. Seeing that the pair are half considering this, I give them half an answer.

"One I probably won't make out alive off, hence why I need to have as much backup as I can" I explain truthfully. It's enough for them to understand that I won't give the whole plan until they either agree to help or leave. Becker and Jackson exchange a look of concern. What happens next just baffles me and I'm not sure how to react to it. They agree to help.

"Are you certain you can save Charlie?" Grant questions but everything about him from his tone to posture screams that he wants to save Charlie.

"I have something that The Huntsman wants badly, something he will have to hand Charlie over for" I explain, oh boy do I have something he wants.

"Can you give us a second?" Grant very calmly states to me, I nod gently and turn around. I return to the smashed window, giving the men the minute they need. I wonder what they are talking about, if I were to guess it would be along the lines of "do you know what she had that he wants?" or "do you guys trust her?". One thing is for sure, Grant is asking all the questions.

I snap my head around when I hear a high pitched whistle. I briskly walk over to join the group of men.

"Okay, we will help you get Charlie" Grant informs me and I can't say I'm not relieved. I nod gratefully at the pair who could have caused a problem, however there is something I must add.

"Be weary, Charlie is only the start. I won't stop till Moore, Ficter and who ever else are all dead" I seriously reply, one that I receive a simple nod from Derosa as an answer. Whatever it means, I'll just take it.

"Ok, so what do you have that he needs?" Grant asks the killer question and I swallow the lump in my throat. It's a simple answer, a one word answer but it will bring hell to us all.



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