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I lay flat on my back and let my legs straighten on the rough carpet that covers the floor after the painful set of sit-ups. My arms pan out to my sides and I await for my breath and pulse to return to normal after the tedious workout. My chest rises and falls, rises and falls as my lungs steadily regain control of themselves. My wound aches but I channel the pain into the workout. Sweat trickles down the sides of my forehead and along my ears. My hair is bound tightly in a bun that sits on top of my head out of the way.
I take a little bit longer to recover than normal due to the extra effort I put in to this workout. For normal people anger is normally released by taking a long walk or talking it out with someone, for me I like to release it in a more productive manner. Exercise.
Judging by my ability to reach all my targets during the session, I'm in good condition. My endurance is better than it used to be, my physical strength is slowly increasing which will be useful down the line.
I leave a sticky, sweaty body imprint on the carpet as I peel up off it. My sports bra is patchy with sweat and so are my shorts, a good sign of a successful workout. I quickly check the phone for any messages before I quickly jump in and out of the shower. Even if the decor in the cheap motel is lacking, at least they have hot water. I pat myself dry and slip into some work clothes which basically means normal people clothes and return to the phone where a message awaits my eyes.

'West of Hyde Park. 10 a.m'

I look up from the screen and think about the location. It's world famous, which means it's popular, which means it's busy, which means less chance of an attack, which means Grant is nervous, which is good for me. Mid-morning London might as well be rush hour. London never rests with students, workers, politicians, unemployed, everyone uses the park as a shortcut across the city. I contemplate my reply for a minute, which is a long time to come to a decision. I want Charlie to remain safe as he has no combat experience but my instincts tell me 'no'. I can't get emotionally involved because that effects my ability to preform, I was emotionally compromised when I was helping Grant take down Moore. I got too close, that can't happen again.


I settle with a simple response, a quick easy comprehensible answer that doesn't require a rocket scientist to understand. My eyes drift to the small digital time that sits forever in the same place at the top of the phones screen. I have two hours to kill.

* * *

Diego Lopez carefully unwraps his ciabatta roll with his tasty yet simplistic chicken and lettuce filling. His favourite roll which his PA Tom brings him once a week from a local bakery. He often  ponders on the thought if this was his favourite time of the week. He relaxes as he takes the first bite from the crispy bread and delicate meat. His shoulders loosen as they mould into his expensive chair. Everything is good, nothing could make him happier right now.
A sudden and unexpected knock booms across the room as the door shakes on its hinges, a normal person might tell the person to leave but the Ciabatta has put Diego in a pleasant mood. He gives whoever permission to enter his lavish and mostly unknown office.
It's Tom, and he has news.

Diego flutters his long lashes at Tom, his large brown eyes showing no emotion, but only pure love to the roll in his right hand. Tom lingers, unsure of what to say or whether to leave and return later but Diego is already ahead of him.

"I see you have something eager to tell me Tom, I hope it's good news" Diego starts and drags out the last word as he fiddled with the paper that holds the contents of the roll together. As if a weight had been lifted, a smile etches onto Toms face.

"Sir, its brilliant news" He teases back as Diego simply darts his eyes from the roll to Tom.

"I found him" He continues and the same smile spreads on Diego's face. The same menacing smile because both men know the price of finding this man was high. Many men injured and many more dead, but that pleases Diego because this man is the first step in many that will lead to Diego becoming the most feared man in the world. But who is this mystery man?

In Diego's head, he's key to making sure Ficter will rule again.

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