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For a split moment there is only the most quietest of silences imaginable. All people in the room are too afraid or too fixated on the situation to react or move. My full attention is on Grant, the bastard found a way to slip back into my life even though it was probably unintentional at this exact moment. They are here for The Huntsman not me, I hope. My hands stay tight in a fist shape, my knuckles white under the pressure but I can't help it. The flame has been re-ignited, all the events in the past come flying back. Moore, Ficter, Michelle, Columbia, Cuba, everything and that's a good enough reason for me to leave.

"You're not here for me Grant, forget you saw me" I threaten from across the room as I analysis his face, he now wears a short beard or long stubble. Makes him look older if I'm honest. All the heads from the people in the room, including the Huntsman, turn from me to Grant to see his reaction. Like a crowd watching a tennis match. Left right, left to right.

"We are still after you Sophia, you're not going to walk away from this again" He replies in a mundane tone, not hinting at anything. His voice is the same as the last time, five months ago as I lay handcuffed to a bed in Columbia. His last words to me were, how's it like not to be in control.

"Fuck off Grant" I say sourly as I take a last look at him and a quick glance at The Huntsman who looks like a kid caught in between his parents rowing, but he is loving every second of this. I turn my back to Grant and start walking towards the other double door on the opposite side of the room.

"Sophia, stop" Grant calls out threateningly as I speed up my walk a little bit. Anger, annoyance and embarrassment drive me as I start to break into a jog as I hear Grant getting agitated at my lack of compliance with him.
With two metres left to go until the door, I break into a sprint and all hell breaks lose behind me. An unknown voice tells the civilians to get on the floor at the same time as a few unexpected bullets smash into the door behind me.

Fuck you Grant.

A long hall stretches out in front of me and occasionally a waiters head pops out of a doorway but they quickly retreat when they see the handgun in my hand. I however scan each person I see as like Charlie said, Grant isn't alone and I don't have to imagine who the others are. I haven't done any recon on the hotel so I need to find a way out myself right now. This is hall is different to the one that leads to the they double doors so I just keep running down the hall, hoping an exit sign makes an appearance. My chest heaves heavily with anticipation and adrenaline while my arms pump to make my body move quicker.

However, suddenly I have to skid myself to a halt in the centre of the hallway. My hair flies forward with the sudden increase in momentum and my arms fall to my sides. Through the door directly to my front, a large man casually walks out but he is quick to realise what's going on.


From a good distance away, I can see he also is in shock. I feel a little shocked too even though I had a good feeling they were nearby. My lungs continue to suck in and release air while my finger rests and rubs the trigger of my gun. Jackson has his gun at the ready also. He wears all black, consisting of a black t-shirt and black jeans to match his shiny hair. He too has grown a short stubble like Grant. We watch each other's movements like hawks, both of us prepared to start shooting if necessary.

"Are Becker and Derosa here as well?" I call out, my grip tightening on my gun as I get a case of 'trigger finger'. Jackson ignores my question although I see him shift his weight from one foot to the other. I get a sense he wants to reply but decides not too. Next he does something unexpected, his left hand rises up so it's touching his ear, or his ear piece I should say.

"Boss, I have eyes on her. What are my orders?" He says although it's difficult to hear from my location. In my peripheral view I'm scanning for a viable escape route. My eyes glued on Jackson the whole time, I watch as he nods to the commands of his boss. I'm expecting him to try and talk me out of this, try to convince me to come slowly and give in. However I'm met with an entirely different approach, one I wasn't ready for. In one quick, smooth move Jackson launches himself forward gun first and fires off a few rounds at me. I'm slow to react but I don't realise it at first, as soon as I saw his foot move I launched myself to the nearest door that had the word 'Kitchen' written over it.  I smash through the doors and straight into a trolley full of dirty dishes which crashes to the ground. I leap over the broken plates and shove my way through the surprised kitchen staff.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now