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"What the hell? We can't just leave her there?!" Charlie is quick to jump to the questions when Jackson pulls away from the scene leaving me behind.

"She told us to leave" Grand mutters back while keeping his head forward. An injured Charlie sits in shock in the back seat of the car as he struggles to comprehend the situation. He shuffles forward so that he is closer to the pair in the front.

"He is a complete and utter physcopath, he will kill her within minutes!" Charlie attempts to plead his case unaware that the two men actually do regret leaving me alone.

"Look when we get back to the others we can start to look for her, she seemed pretty sure that he won't kill her straight away" Grant tries to answer Charlie's pleas whilst looking back to him over his right shoulder.

"Why would she do that? Why risk her life?" Charlie bows his head, unable to understand the mess.

"To save you" Jackson speaks lowly and quietly but Charlie catches his words.

"What?" He questions with confusion.

"She traded herself for you, she risked her life to get you out" Jackson explains with a bit more detail, this is news to Charlie. He thought I would leave him, not bother save his ass.


"No she wouldn't do that, I know she has her moments but I think we all know what her priorities are and I'm certainly not one of them" Charlie attempts to defend the comments but even he feels like it is half hearted.

"Well look for whatever reason, she wanted to make sure she got you out. There's nothing we can do now but help find her, and you are the key element to that" Grant replies and it's enough to make Charlie slide back into his seat and wonder. All three men stay in silence until the car arrives back to the base where Derosa and Becker have been busy setting up equipment.

However when they heard the car approach, the pair ran out to see what had happened. Jackson brings the car to a halt and the men in the front are the first out. Grant then opens the door for Charlie and offers him a supportive hand and a shoulder to lean on to ease the pain on his injured limb.

"What happened?" Becker is quick to jump to the questions, his caring and cautious side coming to light.

"It happened exactly as she said it would" Jackson answers as he heads towards Derosa and Jackson, towards the entrance of the warehouse.

"He has her" Becker somewhat states, his eyes drift to the ground as he realises that this is truly happening. Jackson stops when he reaches Becker's side, the pair are the most concerned about me.

"Then let's go get her back" Jackson gently and silently mutters to Becker's ears only. Becker takes a moment to compose himself and he thinks to himself, I would kick his ass if I saw him in this pity state. Using this thought he nods before looking up to Jackson and nodding again.

"My contact got back to me, we have some good intel to go on" Becker says aloud and all hear him, all nod approvingly. The five men head indoors to get to work, all five aware that time is an issue.

They don't waste time, Grant gets to work patching up Charlie. I rough job that will hold for the time being until he can be seen by a professional. Charlie doesn't want to be anywhere but here helping the cause, so he downs some strong painkillers and joins the others.

"Ok, what do we have?" Grant starts off the questions as the group of five stand around a table that has laptops and documents all over it.

"We found out the identity of The Huntsman, and he is only the start" Becker breaks the intriguing news to the clueless trio.

"Go on" Grant crosses his arms and gives the reins to Derosa and Becker.

"He is Mason Murphy born 2nd February 1966 in Salt Lake City to Irish parents. At the age of 9 both parents died in a tragic car accident leaving him an orphan. This led to behavioral problems in foster homes until he joined the army. He was a leader in the elite Delta unit and led many successful missions. He was skilled and efficient, but his anger problems caused issues within the military. He fought with other soldiers and commanders regularly until one day he just went AWOL. No one knew where he went and no one ever found him. The rest is blurry, we don't know much but he obviously went into the professional killer profession where like Sophia, he took jobs for money. Now, he links in nicely with Ficter. Someone known as DL hired Mason to take out Sophia and we know that he deliberately didn't, Sophia knows this too so maybe she can buy time with it".

When Becker finishes his intense information overload, he remains quiet to let those who haven't heard this before sink it in. It's a lot in fairness, the man who they have been chasing, the man they thought was working with Sophia has a name and a story, like Sophia.

"How do we find out who DL is?" Charlie speaks up and questions the group of men who exchange glances of uncertainty.

"You and our guy Hartle are going to find her, you are the only two who can" Grant is quick to instruct Charlie on what his mission is, and Charlie is happy to oblige.

"She said we have a week at the most to find her, after that she said it herself, she's as good as dead" Becker remembers my words and gives Charlie the timescale they have to work with.

"Shit, okay so we need to find out where he has her and we need to find out who DL is. We're gonna need all the help we can get, you know that right?" Charlie tries to show the group that that amount of work is a stretch for two people.

"We are all that are going to know about this, this isn't on the books" Derosa snaps back at Charlie who grits his teeth while he thinks intensely. 

"When will your guy be here, what what tech is he bringing?" Charlie starts to talk to Derosa who discuss the estimated time of arrival of Hartle whilst the other three men gather together.

"You ok?" Grant questions Becker when he sees the nervous expression on his face. Becker bites his nails when he's nervous, Grant has noticed this.

"Honestly no. Believe it or not I quite like Sophia apart from the whole professional killer part. I know you two never saw eye to eye, but I liked her" Becker admits, seeing no reason to hide his true feelings towards me. Grant casts a look of sympathy upon Becker before diverting his gaze to Jackson.

"I liked her too if we are being honest" he emotionlessly adds, although Grant can tell his seriousness. Grant hasn't been able to stop thinking about the smile she flashed before they left her there, a last message to 'please come save me'.

"We find her, kill The Huntsman then take down Moore for good" Grant states assertively loudly enough for the other pair to stop their conversation and look to him. Grant looks up and searches the eyes of each of the men, all show determination and hope.

"When we find her, she won't be in a good way. He is going to hurt her really badly" Charlie speaks up next having hope that they will find her but also personal experience at how sadistic this guy is. This causes Becker's stomach to turn over, Jackson also a small bit.

"Something tells me that isn't going to stop her from hunting his ass down" Derosa surprisingly remarks on a positive trait of mine, my resilience and grit. All the men smile and reminisce on their respective past experiences on how I like to kick people's ass, even if it got me hurt.

"We have to find her, she's the only one who can take down Moore and Ficter whether we like it or not" Jackson defends me further, the others agree even if they don't verbalize it. Becker swallows the lump in his throat before speaking up.

"Then let's go get our girl back"


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