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Charlie was struggling to keep his eyes awake, they kept flickering before closing fully. His head would then begin to roll forward but the movement, a hypnagogic jerk, would awaken him again. He looks around him before pushing the chair out from under him before standing. He instantly begins to stretch out each of his four limbs. He checks up on the five other men who are too exhausted to work so all are sound asleep on the ground. Charlie is refusing to stop, so he is now literally running on fumes. The others look peaceful as they sleep, the temptation working on Charlie. He questions if an hour would hurt. As he gets lost in the tempting thought, his head almost violently jerks towards one of the laptops. A low beeping noise is coming from it with a flashing red screen. He quickly sits himself back down and examines the source of the trigger. He clicks away on the keyboard to uncover that a camera got a facial match on someone. Charlie immediately wonders who it could be: Sophia, Huntsman, Moore, Tom or Lopez.

"Shit" he whispers out as a slightly blurry but very obvious camera image of the Huntsman pops up on his screen. He makes the executive decision to not wake the others as he checks out the lead, false hope is not what they need. As if full of energy he clicks away and checks the ninety six percent match through all his databases whilst also running a tracker on the image. He sits back and watches the computer do its thing. Every three seconds a new image pops up on the screen as another camera catches the same figure lingering in the shadows. The second screen blinks as the facial match is verified as being Mason, the Huntsman. Charlie now has a live feed of the Huntsman as he strolls through West London under a thick winter coat and a baseball cap. Engrossed in the live footage of my capturer, he doesn't dare move in case he loses him. Minutes pass as he continues to track him, he enters a car and Charlie quickly enters the license plate into the tracking system and follows him as he drive circles around west London before finally heading into a rural area. Charlie's heart has never beaten so fast as he thinks ahead. He suspects that the Huntsman is driving to the location where I'm being held but if it's indoors he won't be able to see if I'm there, so he needs a heat detector. Using all the illegal routes he knows and all the backdoors that he installed in government agencies, he links in with a Russian satellite that will soon fly over that part of the world. A half hour later, Charlie perks up as he finally pulls into a small roadway that leads to a medium size structure. He clicks  away on the next laptop and he gets a satellite image of the location, he can clearly make out the red body of the Huntsman against the blue almost black of the cold surrounding area. Charlie then zooms in slightly as he tracks the Huntsman though the building, the red more faint now that there is a barrier between him and the satellite. Charlie holds his breath as he spots a very faint orange glow from the room Mason just entered. The breath is literally taken from him as he looks at my body outline, although it's not confirmed, it's highly likely.

"I found her" Charlie whispers at a level only audible to himself, he almost doesn't believe his words. Moments later it hits him that yes, he has found me.

"Guys" he shouts a slight bit louder, but the exhausted men don't stir. Realising the gravity of the find, he gets up from the chair in a daze and limps over to the area where all the men sleep.

"GUYS GET UP" he yells as loud as he can and it certainly startles all the sleeping beauties. Jackson and Derosa wake up gun in hand expecting a threat but once they realise the threat is Charlie, they lower their weapons. All the men rub their eyes as they received from the abrupt awakening.

"I'm pretty sure I know where Sophia is" Charlie's words make everyone freeze, his words replaying back in their minds. Grant stands up and walks up to face Charlie, a look of disbelief in his face but also a deadly look of seriousness.

"How sure are you?" Grant almost interrogates Charlie but the IT expert is so beyond exhausted that he feels no fear.

"Ninety eight percent sure" he answers as his messy hair falls across his glasses.  The other by this stage have joined Grants side, all eyeballing Charlie. He waves to them as he goes back to his seat to show them his discovery. Grant jogs after him, eager to understand and prays that it's true. Charlie takes a seat and Grant, Jackson, Becker, Derosa and Hartle shuffle in behind him.

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