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Three Weeks Later:

It's touch is soft, like it should be. The way it clings to me is like it was made exact for my shape. The darkness of its shade is just what I like, black after all is the best colour. As I pull on the leather jacket, it hit me. This is the most I've ever felt myself in the past seven weeks. It matches that of my skinny jeans and black boots, my white T-shirt underneath being the lightest coloured item I wear.

I stand in front of the mirror and stare at myself, my appearance so different to anything I've seen before. A nurse helped me die my hair a dark brown shade, the blonde waves now gone. It makes my green eyes seem brighter than ever, and I like that. I'm ready I say to myself mentally as I take a last look before turning to head towards my hospital bed. I try to digest every detail of the room before I depart for the last time, I hope. This has been my home for the past month and a half. A lot of personal change has happened here and although it is a hospital room, I will never forget it. I smile lightly as I run my fingers across the bed sheets before heading towards the door. I don't look back as I open it and step out, the door closing behind me. The hallway outside is brightly light, nurses and doctors walk in and out of rooms and it's here where I spot the man responsible for keeping me alive.

"Dr. Ainsley?" I call out as I see the friendly looking man spin around at the sound of his name, a smile erupting upon his face once he spots me walking towards him.

"Hi Sophia, I love the jacket" he greets me with his warm voice as he admires my staple item of clothing.

"Thank you, I missed wearing it. Anyways, myself and the guys are about to leave and I wanted to thank you" I explain why I called him and he nods as he understands my words.

"There's no need to thank me Sophia, I'm just doing my job" the latter end of the middle aged spectrum aged man tilts his head as he refuses to take a compliment.

"I know but thank you for all the other stuff with keeping all of this under wraps and for being so accommodating. It's not been the easiest situation so for that, we are all grateful" I expand my gratitude for hosting Grant and guys and all their equipment. He could have told us no, but he didn't.

"Ah yes I see. Well your circumstances were rather exceptional and to be quite honest with you, you challenged me in my profession and that doesn't happen often so perhaps I should be thanking you" Dr Ainsley laughs and I join him with the giggles. In all honestly, I never deserved any of this so I hold out both my hands and usher him to place his in mine.

"I truly am grateful, thank you" I sincerely state as the doctor take my hands in his and squeezes them gently.

"I'm not one to promote hatred or violence, but I hope whoever hurt you gets a taste of their own medicine" Dr Ainsley's thick London accent is music to my ears as I flash him a smirk, he knows damn well I will be the one to serve that medicine but we both just smile at each other.   

"Oh they will don't worry" I nod towards him with a mischievous grin before Dr Ainsley shakes his head with a laugh.

"Goodbye Sophia" he announces just as he bows his head towards me and turns to return to his patients that requirement treatment. I do the same and walk past my room before passing it and continuing down the hall. I don't notice it but Dr Ainsley has turned to watch me, a wide smile on his face watching me walk down a hall that weeks earlier I couldn't. Pain still echos through my body, my scars will never fade but I am well enough to finish the mission and I won't rest until it's done. As I turn the hall, I am met by the gazes of my team. The four men are strewn against the walls as they await my return. I strut confidently towards them, my new brunette hair not a new sight for them but me in my usual attire is a nostalgic sight for us all. As I arrive by their sides, I am eager to get going.

"Shall we?" I question with a smirk, and the four men nod in sync as I lead the group towards the exit. Our little dysfunctional family have been through the shit but it has strengthened the bond to a new level. With my improved opinions on life in general, I think we have gotten past the storms that have weathered us all.

"I miss killing bad guys" I announce as we exit the hospital, I inhale fresh air for the first time in weeks. The guys chuckle around me as we head down the steps and towards two waiting large black cars.

"I see the old Sophia is still In there" Becker teases as he nudges my arm, I giggle back but ponder on his words. My epiphany moment has made me reflect a lot.

"Some pieces are still there" I say gently as I know well most of the old me is gone, but my thirst for revenge sure as hell hasn't left me just yet. We pile into two large black SUV's and take off from the hospital, a feeling that I take in as I realize that I'm fully back in action. And I like the feeling a lot. I sit in the back seat of the SUV containing Jackson and Derosa and we all make casual conversation as we drive to a location that Becker described as 'heaven for Charlie and Hartle'. I can only imagine what it is as we navigate through the city and out the other end but we don't head out into the rural rolling countryside like I thought we would. I look out the black tinted windows as we stay in the city, circling around tall buildings and skyscrapers until we head underground. A large underground tunnel leads us and the other SUV with Grant and Becker to a large, bomb shelter like double door. Jackson parks the SUV up and we all disembark the vehicles. I do I full spin as I step out and take in the size of the isolated tunnel and bunker.

"What is this place?" I question aloud as my voice echos down the tunnel in either direction. Grant approaches my side as he too takes in the place.

"Old World War bunker, no one knows we're here" Grant informs me with a smile as he walks over to the sturdy looking doors. With excitement growing in my core, I follow suit as it takes both Grant and Derosa to open the heavy doors. They look weathered and beaten, they're ancient and the look and the sound they make when the guys push them inwards supports this. The creaks of the un-oiled hinges fills the tunnels as Jackson, Becker and myself watch on as a brightly lit staircase downwards is presented on the other side of the door. I step forward curiously as we all head down the staircase, further from the bustling city that goes about above us completely unaware of our presence. Another ten metres down, we emerge into what I can only put together to be the heaven Becker had talked about.

"Holy shit..." I drift off as I slow my walk down purely to take in the scene in front of me. Not only are Hartle and Charlie buzzing working away on the serious amount of technology, but so are about ten other people. They communicate to each other in a different tech language as I take it all in.

"They're CIA and don't worry, they have been triple checked and cleared to be here" Grant joins my side once again as he sees my shock at seeing more than just Hartle and Charlie. I peel my eyes from them and up to my right and straight into his eyes, searching for answers to the questions I have.

"This is a CIA op?" I question as I wonder if this is out of the CIA's jurisdiction and range. Grant smirks gently as he looks down upon me.

"Kind of. It's a CIA op to get Lopez and Moore. Huntsman is an off the book kinda mission if you get my drift" Grant cryptically explains but I perfectly understand what he means. They're all here to help get the three bad guys. We have the help and resources of the CIA, and this shocks me beyond belief.

"How did you get the director to agree to this?" I question him as I keep my eyes forward on the commotion, the other three men quickly joining in on the madness.

"Director Showman is someone who sees the bigger picture and this right here is the beginning of the bigger picture. Unlike Moore, Showman truly cares about the U.S and he sees the chance we have to take down two huge players who are directly against the ideals of the U.S. And he also has given permission for you to go after the Huntsman whenever you like" Grant feeds me all the details and I have to admit, I'm very impressed by what I hear. I smile warmly as I ponder on what we have to do next whilst replying to Grant.

"I like the sound of this director Showman" I enthusiastically respond as I break away from Grants side, eager to get to involved in whatever the guys are doing. Grant watches on as he gazes upon me as I give Charlie and Hartle a brief hug as a thank you for not leaving my side. Grant ponders on how I have changed since we all first met to now, and he's not wrong.

After all intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.


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