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Grant and Derosa crashed though the doors of hospital flashing their badges, they had been expecting two more agents so a nurse was quick to show them where the others where. They decided to leave the assault rifles in the car but have the handguns in the holsters, they look like the mean business. They are shown to a room with a large window that views into an operating room. Becker and Jackson turn to face the pair, Grant is immediately struck by the amount of blood that is on their clothing, arms and hands.

"Jesus" He mutters as he and and Derosa embrace the other pair, grateful that they are all alive. Fist bumps are exchanged as the group talk amongst themselves for a minute, before tuning their attention to the bustling theatre on the other side of the glass. The men line up from left to right there is Jackson, Derosa, Grant and Becker. My face is the only piece of my body visible, a pipe comes from my mouth whilst tape is placed over my closed eyelids. Surgeons, consultants and nurses crowd around my body whilst extra people watch from a distance. There is blood all over the floor and the medical staff, a worrying sight for all.

"She flatlined twice in the car on the way over here, but we got her back" Becker breaks the silence to inform the team of my closeness to death. I don't remember this, I don't remember much I find.

"You got her back" Jackson corrects Becker as it was Becker who performed the CPR and mouth to mouth.

"Mason said something about a knife?" Derosa questions as he wasn't really listening to Mason but now he's engrossed in the scene unfolding in front of him. The image will forever haunt Becker and Jasckon.

"She was suspended from the ceiling by her hands, her top had been removed. Blood covered everything. When we found her she was barely conscious but she had a five inch knife sticking up out her stomach. It was put there in a particular way because it didn't harm any organs or arteries. That meant we had to remove it before we could get her down. We used that knife to unlock the handcuffs" Jackson explains the scene they were faced with.

"She's so skinny looking, he probably starved her" Grant remarks as my facial bones seem to protrude more than normal. My pile of clothes lay on the ground where they had to be cut off, all drenched in a dark scarlet shade of blood.

"She didn't break, after all this. She didn't let him win" Becker seems shocked but also astonished at the feat. They all are, they all know that if it was one of them they wouldn't have lasted a week.

"Mason knows that, he went crazy. We need to be careful, he may come to finish the job" Grant warms the others.

"We're not leaving until she can walk out of here herself" Jackson confidently states what the others were thinking, they would protect me after risking their lives for me, what did I do to deserve this. The hours drag on and on as the surgeons continue to patch up and fixed my broken body. The men refused to leave, so they take turns resting. One at a time they take a nap on the armchair behind them. Some of the nurses outside on the wards bring bottles of water and sandwiches to keep them going. Grant has also explained to them the situation, how I was kidnapped and how this must be kept under wraps. The hospital understood, they closed off a section of the ward for when I came out of surgery. Sheer exhaustion had taken over the group so when a surgeon entered their room, they all awoke abruptly.

"Sorry to wake you, but we just finished surgery. I was wondering if you wanted to know how it went?" The British surgeon speaks with sophistication but it wasn't hard to tell he was exhausted after the ten hour surgery. The team all stand up and face the surgeon, eager to find out what happened.

"You'll be glad to know that we fixed everything that we could, so she's in a serious but stable condition at the moment" the expert gives the news that I'm alive and all the men visibly relax as the pressure is taken off.

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