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[ Operation Bull Shark ]


It was almost amusing tracking ex CIA Director Aaron Moore. The guy might as well have broadcasted his location across the web because he was so clumsy and reckless in moving from London to Berlin via Paris. He took the Channel tunnel to France before driving to Paris where he got a direct train to Germany's capital. Hartle and Charlie were easily able to track him, hence why it was greatly amusing to someone like me who tries hard to stay under the radar. Using surveillance we were able to determine that he had no one. Ficter has dropped him probably due to too much heat around him and with the recent assassination of Diego Lopez, Moore is just a loose end they don't need.  If Ficter were helping him, then tracking him would have been a whole lot harder for us. They would have been able to get him across the globe without a single camera picking him up. But, he's a civilian with no history of needing to sneak around and fly under the radar to different countries, and that made anything he tried to do very obvious.

I glance down to my watch on my left arm and it reads 02:30 in the morning. It makes sense due to the lack of natural light outside of our black sedan rental car. The yellow hue from the street lamps vaguely illuminates our vehicle, but it works in our favour in helping to conceal us. By us I mean the boys and myself. Grant sits behind the wheel whilst I occupy the passenger seat with Becker, Derosa and Jackson squished into the back seat. I would be in the back to make it more spacious but I will be the one to move first. To match our environment we all wear black, my brunette hair is pulled back into a low bun. Even my surprised handgun is spray painted a dark black shade.

I glance out the windscreen and up to the left at the five floor apartment block in the Hoehenschoenhausen region of Berlin. A slightly seedy and unkept area, perfectly suited to a scumbag like Moore. Currently he is hiding out in an apartment on the third floor in the most easterly corner, and the lack of movement in twenty four hours means he is truly trying to hide. However with all the tech equipment at the teams disposal, we know he is there.

"It's time" I mutter as I glance again at my watch to reveal its go time. With my gun hidden perfectly in my jacket, I will not be spotted. However, for the last few hours I have sensed the tension from the guys. Like I said to Derosa, this is their guy. Their ex boss, a previous friend to them and he is going to die tonight. That could be a bitter pill to swallow.

"Last chance, if anyone doesn't want to go in they don't have to" I offer one last opportunity to them to pull out, they will not be judged for their decisions. Instead, I am met from silence by all the guys and I take that as my answer.

"Good. Start the clock" I announce before I exit the vehicle, I have five minutes. I close the door behind me as I step out into the cold Germany air. My eyes automatically scan the street from left to right before I break away from the car, four pairs of eyes on me. I saunter across the street as the sound of my small heeled boots is the only sound. I land upon the sidewalk and begin the short trek around the building to the main entrance. The air is chilly in the European city, but the sky is clear revealing the stars.  As I circle the building, I come to the double doors to the apartment block. Without hesitation, I push through one of the doors and into the foyer area where there lies a staircase, an elevator and a reception desk with an older gentleman behind the desk. Instead of heading to the staircase, I make a planned detour to the desk and approach the elderly man behind it. He looks up with an unamused expression plastered across his face, oh how I'm about to change that.  I stare at him for a moment before reaching into my jacket pocket and pulling out something he definitely wasn't expecting. Cash, and a lot of it. I count out the seven hundred euro to ensure it's the correct amount before pushing it across the desk in his direction. The elderly man looks from the wad of rolled up cash to me, and I flash a gentle yet mysterious smile.

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