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Becker was pretty certain that Grant hadn't realised that the cough was more than just a cough, that it was a signal to me. Anyways, what was about to happen was way more prominent, they were face to face now.

Becker and Jackson creep out from behind cover and make eye contact with that of their now ex-boss Grant, he too steps forward a few inches. All three have their guns at the ready and pointed at the ground near their feet, something that none of them ever suspected would happen. Becker and Jackson won't lie and say that they don't feel guilty and conflicted, now that they are face to face with Grant it feels different but both men are smart and know that they are doing the right thing. Grant also feels conflicted, not because he has to make a decision but because he sees a scenario where he shoots and kills both of his friends.

"I was hoping this would never happen" Grant starts off by pushing out some painful words, he speaks the truth as he had suspicions a few times in the past.

"You're not alone there" Becker replies also very truthfully but Grant being Grant is only hearing what he wants to hear.

"Then why are you doing this?" Grant can't restrain himself from asking the burning question, a question where he only sees one answer to. Becker and Jackson remain silent, both know why but both also see the state of denial that Grant is in.

"Why?" He repeats himself but more emotionally, this makes it harder for the pair to reply but they must.

"You wouldn't believe us even if we tried to explain" Becker continues to answer while Jackson carefully listens, however he agrees with his friend. Grant scrunches his eye brows in confusion, of course he is confused because it's not want he wants to hear.

"Three years now, it's been three years since this team was formed, formed to catch people like Sophia and what I'm seeing is you two helping her in whatever she is doing, yeah I find that hard to believe" Grant defends but once again, there are flaws in his words.

I can hear the conversation the three men are having as I slowly stalk around the nearby area in search of Derosa. I've come to the conclusion that the pair came alone, no SWAT, no backup which means this is very much off the books. That in itself is interesting and I make a memory note to bring that up in a future conversation to use against Grant. I wince slightly as my damn shoulder wound begins to play up again, I haven't given it enough time to heal and undoubtedly Jackson's stitches are coming loose.

I should been paying more attention to my surroundings than on my wound because someone is creeping up behind me.

"I know you're there Derosa" I freeze on the spot and maintain in the same position, my gun pointed at the ground and my finger on the trigger. I can even smell him, that very distinct musky male scent follows him around, a very masculine scent.

"I could shoot you right now" Derosa angrily spits out through gritted teeth, angrily enough that I take a mental note that he is pissed and I mightn't want to tick him off too much, much to my disappointment.

"Then do it, but be careful because if you do then an innocent will die" I state confidently, Derosa replies firstly by scrunching his face in confusion.

"You're hardly innocent Sophia" He replies just as planned and I reply an answer I have already planned.

"I'm not talking about myself" I leave Derosa hanging as I keep nice and cool and calm.

"What the hell do you mean?" Derosa takes a step forward and I feel the front of his gun press gently against my head.

"Bring me to Grant and I'll explain" I reply calmly as I change my plan in hopes he won't blow my head off. Derosa remains silent for a moment, he is deciding whether or not to explore the curious statement I made.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now