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Young unemployed males whistle at me as I walk past a group of them huddled around in a circle, some sitting on bikes, others standing. All wear hoodies that conceal their heads, track suits that sit too low on their backsides and bright white trainers of some sports brand. Most wear face tattoos as a sign of gang membership, they think that it makes them tough.
I don't give them any attention as I walk along the footpath, past the alley way where the males wait. They shout out comments to me trying to insult and grab my attention at the same time. I keep going, not wanting to direct any attention to myself, until I reach a rough area of the city. I'm on the hunt for a man called Charlie Hox, I was given his name when I was trained. In most major cities in the world, we are given a contact who can help us if we need it. We learn off their names and addresses so in a situation like I'm in now, they can help us. Charlie is the London based contact and hopefully he can help me.
With the memorised address I've made it to the monochromatic apartment block that towers into the sky. I look up along the tall greying walls as the number 20 pops into my head.
'Charlie Hox, Flat 3a, Floor 20' I rhyme off in my head as I push the rotating door to the flats.
I'm not concerned about Charlie trying to attack me, from what I know he is into IT and computers and all that so his knowledge of combat probably won't be too good. As I enter the lobby, the unsafe looking elevator gives me enough reason to avoid it so I stairs even though it's 20 floors up. I take my time and just walk it because at the moment I don't need to rush, taking it easy might be the best solution.
It takes a while to climb the stairs but hey, at least I'm not out of breath. As I stalk along the corridor, light on my feet the floors still creek. Maintenance is obvious not a priority here.
I halt and face the door that shows me the letter and number, my destination. I let my hand brush off my lower back, my fingers brushing lightly off my weapon which reassurance. I knock three times on the door and wait for a reply. I hear footsteps on the other side because I hear a series of chains and locks being unhooked and unlocked. Suddenly the door opens a crack, a lone metal chain keeping it from fully opening. I look through the gap to meet the eyes of a young man.

"Yes?" He questions in a English accent. He's eager to rid of me already and he doesn't even know why I'm here.

"You Charlie?" I ask back as I cross my arms to my front.

"Depends, who are you?" He puzzles as he gives me a scan over.

"My name isn't important however my job is and I've been told that you can help me" I suggest, not wanting to say I'm the killer on the news. You never know who could be listening next door.

"You with The Company?" He mutters after a moment of brain racking.

"I was, can you still help me?" I state, curious if he will still help now that I'm not with the Company. I watch as small muscles twitch on his young face as he contemplates helping me or not.

"Lets talk" he says to my relief. He shuts the door only to open it fully a few seconds later. He holds it open for me while he keeps his eyes on me, I walk past him and into the dark shut off apartment littered with devices and computer parts. I turn around to wait for Charlie but he's busy locking the numerous locks and bolts. Once he's satisfied he faces me.

"Paranoid much?" I question as I nod towards the door that is unbreakable looking. He simply shrugs and tilts his head before speaking.

"I work with dangerous people, you can't blame me" He replies as he strolls past me, I let a small smile onto my face at his humorous reply. I follow him through the dining room and past the kitchen while avoiding things that cover the floor. He opens a door up for me that has a large red 'Don't Enter' sign on it.

"I don't think that's going to stop anyone" I joke as I point at the sign while walking past it and into the room.

"Ha ha ha" Charlie sarcastically replies as he follows behind, closing and locking the door as well. The room is full of modern technology from stacks of laptops to high end computers and a whole wall full of screens. I do a 360 degree spin of the room taking in all the different aspects.

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