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"Well that's just fucking fantastic" I exclaim very loudly and very sarcastically and i also throw my arms in the air as an expression of annoyance.

"An explosion, that sounds deliberate" Becker adds with annoyance in his voice also.

"Rescue attempt?" I state and question at once as I begin to see the bigger picture, I slowly piece the puzzle that is a shit show together and a devastating picture is presented.

"Its unconfirmed at the moment but authorities think that a number of inmates are unaccounted for, multiple are dead but the majority have been contained "Jackson informs us and Becker says what I'm thinking.

"Yep, that's a break out" He answers. Despite my sore shoulder, i force myself to stand up and walk back around the chair. I place my hands on my hips and with my back to the guys, i rack my brains.

"Sophia?" Jackson calls out to question my silence, i slowly turn around to face the two men.

"Okay, tell me if this would make sense" I start before i take a short break to re-organise my brain.

"Moore had connections to Ficter, probably weapons trafficking which means Moore was interested in getting weapons into the US. I was supposed to be killed why? Because I knew about the link between Ficter and Moore, I was a possible future problem so they tried to kill me. We know The Huntsman didn't kill me because he is a psychopath, but his employers are probably leaving me up to him while they concentrate on another part of their plan, breaking Moore out of prison. Now why break him out you ask because he has a connection to weapons, a connection to Ficter which is a useful connection if you want weapons in the US without the hassle" I explain my weak and loosely formed idea to the guys and i hope they get me.

"So you think the people who ordered The Huntsman to kill you want Moore because he can get them weapons and whatever else they want into the US, for what? A terrorist attack maybe ?" Becker sums it up.

"Exactly, make sense?" I question again and I receive nods from the two of them.

"Okay so that can be our working theory for the time being, this thing just got a whole lot more complicated" I add as I walk back to the table where both men remain seated.

"So what's our next move?" Jackson asks as he fiddles with the phone in his hands.

"Time is against us, there's only so long that Charlie will last so I'm going to concentrate on that side. You guys need to find out who ordered the hit but we will need a hacker or someone like Hartle who can get access to CCTV cameras" I lay out the plan.

"Why do we need to access cameras?" Becker questions my plan.

"The day before I went after Weatherly, i met with an informant from the people who ordered the hit. Considering it was a set up, that guy is almost certainly working for the people who broke Moore out so we need to get an ID on him or at least track him from when i met him" I let them know the reasoning behind the idea.

"I have a friend in London who might be able to get us someone who won't mind doing this dangerous and highly corrupt work" Becker brings music to my ears whilst also poking fun.

"Trust me, we are the least corrupt in this shit show" I laugh off and Becker smiles back at me.

"What will we do if Grant or Derosa show up which is almost certain that they will?" Jackson brings up a serious yet tender topic.

"There are bigger things at play here than a game of revenge, we could be seeing the start of something that could be very bad. If they get in our way then, I'm sorry but I will need to rid of them in whatever way i think is suitable, what will you two do if they show up?" I state my intention and then counter ask the same question.

"Derosa could be swayed if we show him the bigger picture, but Grant I don't know" Becker answers with a deep sigh to finish.

"Even with that, Derosa might not be convinced. Grant will be the thorn in our sides, his only mission is to end you Sophia and he won't stop at anything until he does that" Jackson gives me the news that I'm getting too used to.

"Great, just another guy who wants me dead" I say in a lively tone, it's the truth though.

"So we need to avoid them at all costs, they have Hartle with them and he's good at what he does. Going off grid will be difficult" Becker adds.

"Then we don't stay hidden. If we stay completely in the shadows, then time will run out, not just for Charlie but for all of us" I confidently state, I really don't see grant and Derosa as a huge problem right now.

"I've been after Ficter since I recovered in Columbia, I've been trying to get to someone who was of importance but I never got anywhere. Before we all met again in the hotel I was fresh off a mission where I killed a number of people who were selling their rivals secrets to a Ficter operative, you might remember his name, Zufar - Al - Assad" I explain how much of a pain Ficter have been for me.

"That's the guy Moore was meeting with, the contact in Ficter" Jackson states as he recalls the memories as he, Derosa and myself took pictures of them meeting.

"He's a key player here too, he connects Moore to the people who hired the Huntsman. He's the guy who will be supplying the goods" Becker joins the dots and speaks aloud so we are all on the same page.

"We have a lot of work to do" I also state as we realise that there are three of us and a lot of different threads to follow.


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