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I knock four times in the exact way that Charlie and myself practiced so we know that it's one of us who is knocking. One slow, two fast, one slow. Easy. However I think Charlie is still a little bit on edge from the whole shooting fiasco because it takes him literally about a year to open the door only a small bit so he can peek out.

"Hi" I say when I see his little face through the crack. Satisfied he unlocks the door and holds it open for me. I nod gratefully as I quickly move into the small room.

"Well how did it go?" Charlie questions as soon as he has closed and locked the door. I turn around to face him.

"I'm still alive" I raise both hands up but this doesn't amuse Charlie very much.

"I can see that, seriously though, what happened?" Charlie repeats his question.

"We sat down, had a beer and discussed life" I safe, partly true.

"You had a beer with him?" Charlie exclaims in a shocked and confused voice.

"Yeah, I had a beer with him. You should try it some time" I say sarcastically to him as I shoot him a cheeky smile.

"I don't drink" Charlie mutters under his voice as he sits on the side of his bed.

"What? I'm a profession killer and even I drink?" I say back, equally as shocked at his statement.

"Makes me bloated" Charlie says simple with a shrug of his shoulders. I shake my head briefly and dismiss the conversation. I approach him and sit on the other side of the double bed.

"How you getting on with finding the other address?" I get down to business but it's Charlie's turn to through me cheeky eyes.

"I found it minutes after you left" he says smartly, of course he bloody did.

"Okay, is he far?" I say as I grab one of the two pillows from the bed and throw it onto the ground at the foot of the bed.

"Nope, 20 Minutes walk" Charlie replies as he powers down his laptop and places it on the table next to his bed. I jump down off the bed and onto the floor. I take out my gun and place it safely under the pillow.

"Quick question, what do you do in your spare time?" I ask as I stare up to the ceiling which is ridiculously dirty and patchy. I can easily hear Charlie break a smile just as he switches of the lamp and makes the whole room go black.

"Solitaire, what else would I be doing?"


Unfortunately for us, the next day drags on like I've never felt before. Each passing minute felt like an hour, each hour felt like a day. Come 7 o clock I am ready to crack.

"I'm going to go crazy in this room if I don't go out now" I state as I lay on my belly cleaning my gun for the third time today.

"I think you should be pretty safe to go now, it's been over an hour since the others left" Charlie reminds me. I know he's right it's just there's something very open about walking around when it's not pitch black yet.

"Give it 30 minutes, then I'll go"


Unlike the previous night, the streets are alive with people. I guess this is what Friday night in London looks like. The hotel I'm after is in a particular popular area for after work drinks or nights out due to the strangely large amount of bars and clubs. I'm from New York, I should be used to this I think.
Anyways, I'm approaching the hotel, it's on my left. I really hope that the person I'm looking for isn't looking out the window onto the streets below like I was or they would spot me. I turn left and enter the reception area but ignore the desk and head straight into an awaiting elevator. Thanks to Charlie and his computer skills, he was able to track this person through the hotel into the exact room. I lean forward and press the number 4 button and the doors swiftly shut before it brings me up to my destination. I can feel the but of my gun press against my skin, a sensation I've come to like.
When the doors ping open, there's a group of men waiting to get in. Judging by the recently ironed shirts and overload of cologne, the group of five are heading out until the early hours. They let me out first before they all pile on and the doors shut again. I head right down the burgundy themed hall until I near the target location. I've been thinking about how to enter the room without setting off a gun fight with the man inside.
With door 48 on my left, I lean against the wall beside it and listen carefully. I hear something, not footsteps, not anything alarming, but I can hear running water. This is a hotel, showers are basically the only thing that has water involved.

Without a second thought, I whip out my old trusted lock picks and swiftly unlock the door. With the burgundy themed walls, guests are given keys instead of cards, for the old fashioned traditional vibe. I very slowly push open the door which moves without any creaks and slip my body inside the room. I scan the room with both my eyes and my gun and conclude that the running water sound is coming from behind a closed door to the right. With my hand on the door handle, I slowly ease it shut, locking it also with the big key in the door. Just as I pull away from the door, the water stops running. With possibly seconds to react, I creep over to the door and lean back against the wall to the side of it. With my gun raised, I hear the small tiny clicks that signal the door is being opened. I clench my fingers tighter around the gun and rest my finger over the trigger. The light from the bathroom illuminates the carpet in the main room as the door fully opens and the man steps out. My eyes meet that of his left hand side. His facial scars visible from where he just shaved. His hair groomed back like it always is. He sees the gun and doesn't move, he just stares forward knowing that I'm the one with the gun. He realises a deep sigh.

"Sophia" be mumbles knowing I'm the only one who would break into his room.

"Hi Jackson" I reply and smirk at the same time.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now