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*knife play ahead*


The peaceful breaks in between sessions are more valuable to me than anything else in the world right now. They may be fifteen minutes long or up to three hours depending on what The Huntsman wants to do. Even though I am dazed and barely conscious, I reckon he has been gone about an hour. I try and rest, try and not think about the pain currently controlling my body. He has had me strung up for the past day, my arms above my head chained to the bar on the ceiling. My legs were able to stand and support my weight but they gave way about twelve hours ago, I now hang by my arms only. The cuts along my wrists from the handcuffs are the least painful at the moment.  He enjoys using he screwdriver I've found, there's at least ten stab wounds on my body, some of them he roughly bandaged up to prevent me from bleeding out. However, he has yet to touch my face. He hasn't punched me there which I had expected despite the fact that my broken ribs show that he isn't just going easy on me. I debate with myself whether to bring it up. 

He removed my top layers fairly early, I've been exposed in my bra for days and he has made sure that I am left with many scars on my chest and back. My true skin colour is impossible to establish under all the blood. Small knife slashes have been his activity of choice today, and I doubt he will stop with the earlier sessions. I can't remember what X looks like anymore, the pain completely clouds my vision and my thoughts but knowing that he made me a strong human keeps me strong. I have yet to break for the Huntsman.

"Still with me baby?" His strong southern accent bounces off the walls in the empty room. With not enough energy to lift my bowed head, I let him do it for me so I can show him my faint smile. He lifts up my chin with the tip of his military grade knife. My eyes meet his ones, our smiles meet also but his out does mine.

"I hope I live up to your expectations Mason" I tease with a grin, he told me his name a few days ago, it makes him growl when I mention it. He growls when he is sexually aroused I've copped on. I've also noticed that me winding him up this way has prevented him from going any further with the removal of my clothes because he just hurts me instead.  He switches the position of his knife to that of his free hand knowing that I can't keep my head up. He further growls as he places the top of his knife just under my chin.

"Oh you're just perfect" he mutters as he watches his knife trail down to my chest and down the middle between my breasts, then further down to my bellybutton. I keep my eyes stuck to him as he teases injury with the knife. I don't show fear, I show enjoyment. X made me an A-List actor, comes with the job and with practice.

"But you would be even more perfect if you just gave in. No more pain, no more suffering" he states the killer quality for the millionth time just as he brings his face back up to meet mine. I feel like screaming as my body prepares for more pain as I'm not giving in to him and I never will.

"I guess nobody's perfect are they?" I whisper back as I feel a wave of dizziness wash over my whole body. My head goes heavy in his hand, Mason sees that I'm about to black out and fights to prevent it.

"Ah ah, I didn't give you permission to go just yet, not when you still owe me something" he says loudly so that I can hear him. He places the knife in between his legs then uses the free hand to slap my face to wake me up.

"And what do I owe you?" I stutter out as he realizes the slapping isn't helping. He chuckles deeply as the psychopathic side of him comes out. He trails his fingers across my midriff until he finds a stab wound left by the screwdriver.

"To admit I'm better" He angrily replies as he shoves his finger deep into the stab wound causing me to suddenly awake and scream at the top of my lungs. He isn't gentle and moves his finger around to inflict the most pain possible. I scream and contort my face into shapes it shouldn't be and Mason takes much pleasure in seeing this. He grits his teeth whilst he injuries me further, so much so that the blackout is inevitable. The black dots could my vision, his face between more and more indistinguishable. Tears stream uncontrollably from my eyes at the severity of the torment. My eyes begin to flutter just as he removes the finger, blood coating it right down to where the finger meets his palm. I stay stranded in limbo for a moment with my mouth open, welcoming the darkness if it removes me from reality if only for a few minutes. My eyes float to that of Mason, the dreaded Huntsman who has killed hundreds just like myself. He has a faint look of dissatisfaction plastered onto his face, this causes me to laugh for once. He seems insulted by this so just as I close my eyes I mumble the same words I've been mumbling all along.

"If you haven't broken me by now, you never will. I think it's on you to admit that I am better than you" I drift off into a deep dark sleep as the last words slips out of my mouth. The Huntsman stands and stares at me for minutes after I black out, my damaged body hanging from the ceiling, cuts and wounds scattered everywhere and yet I haven't broken. This annoys him immensely, he admits to himself that he didn't think I would last this long. He is running out of time to break me, his boss will want confirmation of death soon. He storms out of the room, angered by my resilience and his own incompetence to get the job done.


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