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"Move" I say as I wiggle the front of my gun as encouragement. Jackson seems pretty calm, but then again he was always the quiet one and it's them you have to watch. He slowly begins to pull away from the bathroom and towards the bed in the other end of the room. Once there's enough room behind him, I slip in and keep the gun pointed at his head.
He's shirtless and freshly shaved, his cargo pants hang around his waistline. There are numerous scars and bullet holes littered across his large back. Some healed nicely while others still like almost recent.

"On the bed" I direct and he painfully makes his way as slow as humanly possible towards the bed. I noted that he left his gun on the bed side cabinet to the left of the bed, too far to make a dash and grab it so I'm pretty unconcerned about it. When he reaches the bed, he freezes, his shins touch the end of the bed due to his larger size.

"Sit and face me" i continue to instruct and he does as I ask by turning around and sitting but not before giving me one of his distinct death stares. I don't even need to look at his torso to see that he is in peak physical condition. Shadows are created by the shape of his firm abs while his arms seem very large, much larger than a regular being.

"I'm only here to talk so how about we agree not to try and kill each other, again" I ask while keeping the gun aimed directly at him. I notice him give me the once over, probably assessing my physical condition and wondering how badly he shot me.

"You're not very good at keeping promises" Jackson quietly replies as he leans back slightly on the bed with both hands supporting him.

"That's why I never make them Jackson, so are we going to behave like normal civilised people?" I question again and watch all of his movements from the twitches in his eyes to the amount of breaths he takes a minute.

Eventually I get a small but recognisable nod from him. However, Jackson is similar to Becker but they are definitely not the same person and I definitely don't trust this guy. Now he is most likely thinking the same thing so I need to show a little bit of truth behind my words. I throw him a warning stare before I remove my finger from the trigger and slowly bring the gun down from pointing at his face. Like I did with Becker, I slowly approach the armchair to my right and place my right hand on it before dragging it back so it's facing Jackson. Without taking my eyes off him at all, I walk around and take a seat, crossing my legs as I do. I rest the gun on my lap, no hands touching it.

"Proof that I'm here to talk only" I say as I raise both hands and use both index fingers to point down to the gun on my lap, hopefully proving that I am giving a little bit of faith to Jackson the giant.

"Becker was acting a bit off today, I'm assuming you had something to do with that?" Jackson states, damn I hope Becker keeps his shit together. I smile gently to give Jackson his answer.

"So what I'm number two of four on the list of people you're going to have a friendly chat with?" He continues, oh how wrong he is.

"You'll see what I'm up to Jackson" I answer, not giving away any of my intentions, that will all come later.

"So, how long have you and The Huntsman been working together?" Jackson questions as he switches his weight to his right arm.

"And who told you we are working together?" I counter-ask.

"Seems a little obvious doesn't it, two very skilled professional killers in the same city and the same time, meeting in the same hotel?" Jackson tries to prove his point.

"Is that how the CIA works these days? They take a wild guess and hope it's correct?" I lean slightly forward to try and make Jackson realise that his logic is twisted.

"How can it not be right?" Jackson laughs off.

"Think about it, do you really think that's what happening here...or is that what Grant has made you believe?" I say calmly but firmly to emphasise the vital notion. Something just have clicked because he remains silent but keeps up his stare.

"Grant is obsessed with finding another reason to kill me, to hate me, another reason to keep fighting me. He has brainwashed you all into thinking that his way is the right way, he would even lie to try and convince you all. He, and you all, know that I work alone and that I have nothing in connection with The Huntsman apart from the fact that I'm his target. How long are you going to keep blinkers on and miss what's happening all around you Jackson?" I say off smoothly and seamlessly, just like with Becker. I decide that all has been said so I slowly rise up from the chair and stuff the gun in my coat. I look down onto Jackson who is looking back up to me.

"Keep this between ourselves for the time being , I'll be in contact soon and please Jackson, think about what I've said" I finally finish and leave without another word.
Another man left with nothing more than a curious and confused mind, just like I planned.

The Girl Behind The BulletsWhere stories live. Discover now